
Anger as four-year talks on trafficking review mechanism collapse

20 November 2012, by Caroline Robinson. UNODC Offices in Vienna Review mechanism: Dead end or just another road block? In 2009 I joined Transparency International and other UNCAC Coalition colleagues at the Third Session of the Conference of Parties to…

Transparency with a Punch

8 November 2012, by Eric Gutierrez. No less than the president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, opened the 15th International Anti-Corruption Conference to a packed hall of over 1500 participants. In her speech, Rousseff exuded pride, not only because her country…

Corruption transnationale : l'OCDE confirme l'analyse de Transparence International France

26 October 2012, by Marina Yung, Transparence International France. L’OCDE a publié hier son troisième rapport de suivi de la mise en œuvre par la France de la Convention de l’OCDE sur la corruption d’agents publics étrangers. L’organisation internationale estime…

Cambodia's inclusive approach to the UNCAC's review process

26 October 2012, by Preap Kol. Cambodia is perceived to be one of the world’s most corrupt countries, ranked 164 out of 183 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI)i. However, it is interesting to note that the Royal…

German business CEOs join chorus calling for UNCAC ratification

9 August 2012, by Christian Humborg. This post was originally published on the Transparency International website. Photo credit: Flickr/Downing Street Now even the businesses. Less and less people in Germany understand why the ruling parties keep ignoring the need to…

A United Front Against Dirty Money

6 August 2012, by Eric Gutierrez. Call me naive, but wouldn’t the supply of corruption be substantially reduced if something like a ‘Finance Industry Transparency Initiative’ was organised? Many international anti-corruption initiatives exist today – known by acronyms as EITI,…

Conference of States Parties in Marrakesh: The Countdown

17 October 2011, by Gillian Dell. The final UNCAC Coalition preparations for the 4th Session of the UNCAC Conference of States Parties (COSP4) in Marrakesh, Morocco, 24 – 28 October 2011 are in full swing now. Planning is under way…

Notes from the Implementation Review Group Meeting

30 November 2010, by Gillian Dell Now here I sit in pristine white hallway of the IAEA building in front of the room where IRG delegates hold their meetings. (UNODC conference facilities are undergoing renovation thus the use of the…

Da Cidadania à Sustentabilidade Social

Brazil, 3 May 2010, by Fernando Di Lascio, Instituto Qualicidade. Nas repúblicas e nas democracias o principal alicerce da cidadania é a soberania popular, de onde advém todo o poder confiado pelo Povo aos seus servidores públicos eleitos, concursados e…

UNCAC Updates: The Deal in Doha

26 November 2009, by Gillian Dell. On Friday the 13th, 2009, the Doha deal on the UNCAC review mechanism was concluded! (Resolution L9). The deal was adopted by approximately 106 States Parties represented at CoSP3 – another 14 governments were…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)