
Mathias Huter

Managing Director
Twitter: @mathiashuter

Mathias has more than twelve years of experience working on transparency, access to information and anti-corruption.

He joined the UNCAC Coalition in 2018 and led the process of establishing the Coalition's Vienna Hub office. He has campaigned for a right to information and more transparency in Austria with Forum Informationsfreiheit, worked as a consultant for NGOs and international organisations, including in Timor-Leste, Kenya, Ghana and Ukraine, and spent five years in Tbilisi as a Senior Analyst, Program Manager and a stint as Acting Director of the watchdog-NGO Transparency International Georgia.

Mathias holds a degree in Journalism and Media Management from the FHWien – University of Applied Sciences Vienna and an MA in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies (Bologna and Washington, DC). See his Declaration of interests (2023).

Yonatan Yakir

Programme Manager & UN Affairs Lead

Yonatan has been working in the political and social sphere, in a local and global context for the past 12 years. Mostly working for NGOs promoting democracy and human rights, he has a strong interest in peace and consensus building.

As a group facilitator and trainer, he has worked mainly with education practitioners and law enforcement officers. Before joining the UNCAC Coalition, he had worked as a political advisor for the Israeli Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Vienna, covering all UNODC issues, including the fight against corruption.

Yonatan holds an MA in Conflict Resolution & Mediation and a BA in Psychology and Communications from Tel Aviv University.

Corinna Gilfillan

Senior Analyst

Based in Washington D.C., USA

Corinna Gilfillan brings over 20 years of work experience in advancing human rights, good governance and environmental protection. Before joining the UNCAC Coalition, Corinna was Head of the US Office for Global Witness where she built up and ran the organisation’s U.S. advocacy program for 15 years. She played a leading role in securing passage of groundbreaking US legislation to combat corruption and protect human rights. She also helped to develop effective global multi-stakeholder agreements on human rights and good governance. She served on the Board of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and the Advisory Board of the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR).

Earlier in her career, Corinna directed Friends of the Earth US's Ozone Protection Program and worked at the United Nations Environment Programme where she provided technical and policy assistance to help developing countries comply with environmental treaties. Corinna has testified before the US Congress and appeared in a wide array of media outlets to speak out on these issues.

Corinna holds a MSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a BA from Duke University.

Betina Pasteknik

Head of Operations and Working Groups, Co-Chair of the UNCAC Coalition Working Group on Human Rights and Corruption

Having a background in human rights and international development Betina has a strong interest in the role of civil society actors and international cooperation.

She previously worked in the areas of education, sponsoring, fundraising, and events organization for non-profit and for- profit organizations, while maintaining an active agenda as a classical musician.

Betina holds a LLM in Human Rights and a MA in International Development from the Vienna University, a MA in Specialized Music Performances from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, and a MA in Music from the Boston Conservatory.

Danella Newman

Project Manager

A dual global citizen, Danella has a strong interest in international cooperation of civil society and state actors in the fields of anti-corruption, human rights and gender.

Before joining the UNCAC Coalition, she worked in the educational field in Austria and Colombia, on good governance, human rights and international cooperation at the Austrian Ombudsman Board and the International Ombudsman Institute, and on fundamental rights as well as EU and international institutional relations at the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights.

Danella holds a BA in Spanish/French, a BA in European Cultural Anthropology, as well as a joint-degree MA in Euroculture: Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context, having studied in Austria, Spain, Germany and India.

Arjun Chaudhuri

Advocacy and Communications Officer

Arjun is an experienced campaigner with more than six years of expertise designing and implementing effective communications and advocacy strategies to secure concrete commitments in international political contexts.

Formerly a campaigner at Amnesty International, Arjun has led numerous successful advocacy efforts centered on issues such as human rights defenders at risk or the critical human rights situations in countries such as Nicaragua and El Salvador.

Originally from the UK, Arjun has lived and worked in Latin America for more than eight years, and speaks Spanish fluently. Arjun holds an M.A. (Hons) in International Relations from the University of St. Andrews and an L.L.M in International Human Rights Law from the University of Essex.

Isabella Moggs

Project Officer

Isabella has a strong interest in anti-corruption through a human rights lens, and in government accountability to prevent and remedy human rights violations. She is also interested in the area of business and human rights, holding corporations accountable through due diligence practices.

Prior to joining the UNCAC Coalition, Isabella conducted extensive research on efforts to combat war crime denial at the civil society level in Republic Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has also previously worked with an NGO focusing on children’s rights protection from an international human rights law based approach.

Isabella holds a BSc (Hons) in Politics and International Relations from the University of Bath, United Kingdom, and an MA in Human Rights from the Central European University, Austria.

Miguel Feres Rodrigues

Project Officer

Miguel is an attorney with international experience in criminal justice and anti-corruption. He is enthusiastic about the dynamics behind global frameworks and has been actively involved in litigation and anti-corruption initiatives throughout his career. He holds a BA in Law, an LLM in Economic Criminal Law, and a MAS in European and International Governance.

Agnes Kobori

Finance and Administrative Officer

Having previously worked in the legal-admin team at an international law firm, Agnes is an experienced administrator and a dedicated event manager. She is currently studying International Legal Studies at the University of Vienna, her hometown. She is very interested in human rights law as well as international law and wishes to pursue a career in the field of international relations. In addition to her work in the legal and administrative domain, she is also a passionate musician with an interest in cultural management.

Ana Revuelta Alonso

Analyst and Regional Coordinator for Europe

Based in Spain

Ana is an anti-corruption and open government advocate. With 18 years of track record, she is passionate about building civil society capacity and contributing to multi-stakeholder initiatives to improve governance frameworks.

In Spain, she initiated and managed projects with Transparency International Spain on lobbying regulation, public procurement monitoring and engaged with the private sector to promote a clean business environment. In Europe and the Americas, she has helped civil society organizations monitor international anti-corruption conventions. She has consulted for the UN FACTI Panel and UNESCO, worked at the Spanish Embassy in Germany and in public, private and academic institutions in France. In the past years, she has conducted research for the Open Government Partnership.

Ana studied economics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Université Paris-Dauphine and holds a Masters from Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris and a Masters in government and public administration from Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo.

Iñaki Albisu Ardigó

Regional Coordinator for Latin America

Based in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Iñaki is passionate about topics relating to anti-corruption, civic participation, and especially whistleblower protection.

Prior to joining the UNCAC Coalition, he worked as an external consultant for Transparency International’s Anti-Corruption Helpdesk, as project coordinator for the Argentine NGO watchdog Fundación Poder Ciudadano, and as program lead for a municipal transparency program within the Office of Institutional Strengthening (Oficina de Fortalecimiento Institucional) of the Province of Buenos Aires.

Iñaki holds a BA in Political Science and Latin American Studies from the University of Toronto, an MA in Corruption and Governance from the University of Sussex. He is working towards a degree in Law from the University of Buenos Aires.

Wahidullah Azizi

Regional Coordinator for Asia and Pacific

Based in Berlin, Germany

Wahidullah Azizi is an anti-corruption and climate activist with over five years of experience, primarily working in the not-for-profit sector. Before joining the UNCAC Coalition, he worked with Transparency International (TI), where he supported the Climate Governance Integrity Programme. In this role, he documented instances of corruption in climate finance as part of the Climate & Corruption Case Atlas advocacy initiative. In 2022, Wahidullah worked in Brussels at the European Council for Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), focusing on research and advocacy. He has also held roles in communications, advocacy, and research at TI and Integrity Watch Afghanistan.

Wahidullah holds a master's degree in public policy from the University of Potsdam, earned through a DAAD scholarship. His bachelor's degree is in International Relations. He is currently a fellow in the Public Policy New Voices Europe cohort at Salzburg Global. In addition, he completed a leadership program at the Swedish Institute in 2023.

Mariana Ghawaly Giacaman

Regional Coordinator for Middle East and North Africa

Based in Berlin, Germany

Mariana is passionate about the intersection of good governance, anti-corruption and human rights advocacy with a focus on the Arab world and transnational contexts. Before joining the UNCAC Coalition, Mariana worked as a MENA Regional Associate at Transparency International Secretariat in Berlin and previously served as a research assistant on a project focused on Central America and North Africa at the University of Freiburg.

Mariana holds an MA in Global Studies from University of Freiburg & FLACSO Argentina and a BA in Political Science, Administration & Organization from the University of Potsdam.

Sarah Wesonga

Regional Coordinator for Sub-Saharan Africa

Based in Nairobi, Kenya

Sarah is a seasoned researcher and policy analyst with a background in public policy, human rights and advocacy. She is passionate about the role of information in the modern age, particularly in empowering a knowledgeable and informed citizenry to be a driver for sustainable political and economic development.

Notable for her roles in Kenya's Open Government Partnership (OGP) Technical Committee and the Governing Council of the Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC), she now serves on the Steering Committee for the Assessment of Access to Information Implementation in Kenya. Sarah's leadership extends to managing critical projects like the European Union's "Covid-19 Response in Africa: Together for Reliable Information," aimed at providing vital information during the pandemic. Currently based at ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa, Sarah contributes significantly to creating an enabling environment for transparency and information rights while also lending her expertise as a Thematic Expert Reviewer for Access and Openness indicators in the Africa Integrity Indicators project.

Sarah holds a BA in Political Science and Sociology from Kenyatta University and is finalising her Master of Arts in Public Policy and Administration at the same institution.

Thank you to our former team members: Fatema Afroz, Karim Aissa, Alexis Chalon, Denyse Degiorgio, Matthias Flug, Antoine Guitteny, Charlotte Honnigfort, Pusetso Morapedi, Anna Reißig, Bright Sowu, Irina Tontcheva, Niamh Webster.