The Charter is the foundational document of the UNCAC Coalition, which is registered as an association in Vienna, Austria. It sets out the ground rules which guide the Coalition, its planning and organisational processes, and the spirit of its work.
Coordination Committee
The UNCAC Coalition is governed by a Coordination Committee of twelve members, whose responsibilities include:
- Providing policy coordination and oversight of the work of the Secretariat.
- Overseeing the development and implementation of the Coalition’s strategy.
- Promoting the activities and projects of the Coalition, and helping to identify funding opportunities.
- Communicating positions of the Coalition to wider public audiences.
- Agreeing on the location and content of membership meetings.
- Approving new members.
- Ensuring the prompt and effective issuance of Coalition statements.
- Assisting the organisation of support for Coalition members, including assistance to members under attack due to their anti-corruption work.
The seats on the Coordination Committee are allocated as follows:
- 8 Regional seats: One seat each for (a) sub-Saharan Africa; (b) Middle East and North Africa; (c) East Asia, Central Asia and Pacific; (d) South Asia; (e) Europe; and (f) the Americas, and two additional seats for the two regions with the largest number of members in the Coalition.
- 2 International Member Organisation seats
- 1 seat for Individual Affiliate Members
- 1 seat for Honorary Members
Coordination Committee members are elected for terms of two years.
Elections for the first Coordination Committee took place in April 2011. Further elections for a part of the Committee are held annually in May-June.
You can find more information about the current members of the Coordination Committee here and more about its role and mandate in the Charter above.
Ethical Guidelines for members of the Coalition’s Coordination Committee (CCC)
- The Coalition has developed Ethical Guidelines for members of the CCC (.pdf) to help avoid and address potential or perceived conflicts of interests.
- CCC members also file annual interest declarations using this template (.docx) which you can find below their profiles on the Coordination Committee page.
Transparency Policy
- The UNCAC Coalition’s Transparency Policy
- Filings under the Lobbying Disclosure Act (United States)
- Disclosure in the European Union’s Transparency Register
Donations Policy and Guidelines
Policy on Conflicts of Interest, Gifts and Anti-Corruption
Anti-Harassment Policy
Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure
Policy on Preventing and Addressing Misconduct
Recruitment Policy
- The Recruitment Policy (.pdf) is applied to all hiring of the UNCAC Coalition
Listserv Guidelines and Etiquette
- Guidelines and etiquette for the UNCAC Coalition’s listserv, which is accessible to UNCAC Coalition members, as well as to any email lists and groups hosted by the Coalition.