A focus on current advocacy work by the UNCAC Coalition and its members
UNCAC Coalition asks UN meeting to take action for transparency and accountability

Source: Dean Calma / Flickr
Gillian Dell, Transparency International Secretariat [21 May 2013]
Public trust in government and business has been seriously eroded in recent years by economic crisis and lack of accountability at the top. The UNCAC, which governments adopted in 2003, has the potential to address many of these issues. It represents a collective commitment to strengthen anti-corruption efforts through measures designed to prevent corruption and through enforcement measures aimed at punishing corruption. The question is: Given all the political complexities at the UN and at national level, can this joint undertaking work? Continue reading →
Building bridges – how UNCAC review helps civil society engage with government

Iftekhar Zaman, Transparency Bangladesh [16 May 2013]
Proper implementation of UNCAC requires the coordinated efforts of many stakeholders from the key institutions of the country. Although the task may sometimes seem complex and difficult, the work of civil society can play the catalytic role in driving change. Continue reading →

TT’s 2011 Survey Report
Stephanie Chow and Dow Nga, Towards Transparency Vietnam [16 May 2013]
It has been over a year now since Towards Transparency (TT) published its parallel survey report on UNCAC implementation in Vietnam. Overall it has been a valuable experience not least because it initiated a positive dialogue between civil society organisations and the Vietnamese government on issues of corruption. Continue reading →
Recent news relating to UNCAC and anti-corruption issues
FCPA “bounties” and democratising the global fight against corruption

Source: flickr / stevendepolo
Mark Vlasic, Professor of Law at Georgetown University [21 May 2013]
In 2010, the U.S. Congress emboldened the fight against corruption by passing the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act reforming the famous Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. This reform presents a novel and promising new anti-corruption tactic which democratises the global fight against corruption. Continue reading →
Cyprus: more than just a financial crisis

Source: flickr / tmb2610
Andreas Pavlou, Access Info Europe [16 May 2013]
Crisis-hit Cyprus needs more than a bail-out. For long-lasting stability it must tackle problems of money-laundering, improve transparency and accountability in its politics and extractive industries and protect the right of access to information. Continue reading →
Parliamentarians and NGOs to work together to fight political corruption

Source: flickr /
Akaash Maharaj, Global Organisation of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC), [16 May 2013]
What the world loses to corruption in a single year would be enough to end the worst forms of human misery and transform human civilisation, at least a dozen times over. The solution? A vigilant, relentless, and fearless community of citizens and parliamentarians, standing together against political corruption. Continue reading →
A primer on Argentina’s judicial reform project

Source: flickr / wallyg
Ezequiel Nino, Asociacion Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia [21 May 2013]
In April the Argentinian National Congress passed a significant reform package presented as a ‘democratisation of the justice system’. However, the Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ) believes many of the provisions in the package are regressive – undermining access to justice and the protection of human rights. Continue reading →
Recent news from the UNCAC Coalition and its members
SERAP and WEA drag federal government to the UN over controversial pardon

Source: UNCAC Coalition
Adetokunbo Mumuni, SERAP Nigeria, [28 March 2013]
World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) have dragged the Federal Government to the United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR) expressing “serious concerns about the state pardon granted to the former Bayelsa State Governor, Diepreye Alamieyeseigha by President Goodluck Jonathan.” Continue reading →
Challenging Kenya’s elections

Source: flickr / DEMOSH
Seema Shah, Africa Centre for Open Governance Kenya [14 May 2013]
On Saturday, March 30, 2013, the Supreme Court of Kenya upheld the outcome of the recent presidential elections. The court ruling was in response to three separate petitions, including one from the Africa Centre for Open Governance (AfriCOG). The AfriCOG petition claimed that the “election process was irredeemably flawed and the results should be nullified.” Continue reading →
SERAP Nigeria launches text service to report local government corruption

Source: Flickr / z-fishies
Nwafor Chinyere, SERAP Nigeria [14 May 2013]
On 1 March 2013, the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) launched a text service to enable citizens and residents who witness or are victims of local government corruption in Lagos State, Nigeria to anonymously alert SERAP. Continue reading →
Coalition Coordination Committee election results
The results of the election for six seats on the Coalition Coordination Committee (CCC) were announced after the polls closed on 23 April 2013.
A warm welcome to the newly elected members of the committee, Global Financial Integrity (Christine Clough) and Shaazka Beyerle (Individual Affiliate Member) and congratulations to all those re-elected. Many thanks to out-going CCC members Tearfund (Melissa Lawson) and Uche Igwe (Individual Affiliate Member) for their invaluable contributions to the Coalition over the past couple of years.
Coalition Regional Coordinators
Who is coordinating UNCAC Coalition work in your region? Meet the regional coordinators here.
UNCAC Implementation Review Group (IRG)
Want to know more about the IRG? Click here.
Member in the Spotlight: Towards Transparency, Vietnam
TT’s mission is to contribute to national efforts in promoting transparency, accountability and integrity towards a corruption-free society. Continue reading →

Towards Transparency and others
Important dates for your diary
- 27–31 May, Implementation Review Group Meeting, Vienna, Austria
- 30 May, Implementation Review Group – Briefing for NGOs, Vienna, Austria
- 18–21 June, C20 Civil Society Summit, Moscow, Russia
- 26–28 August, UNCAC Working Group on Prevention, Vienna, Austria
- 29–30 August, UNCAC Working Group on Asset Recovery, Vienna, Austria
- 25–29 November, Fifth Conference of States Parties to the UNCAC, Panama
Job advertisements and other opportunities submitted by members
Access Info Europe
We are looking for 1-2 medium term interns (3-6 months) to work with us in our Madrid based office to support us with research and administration related to transparency within the European region. Good English skills essential, all other European languages highly valued. Contact email hidden; JavaScript is required.
The UNCAC Coalition Newsletter is funded by the UN Democracy Fund (UNDEF)