
Weak Transparency Laws and Widespread Corruption Go Hand in Hand in Quebec

Halifax, 6 August 2013, by Michael Karanicolas. Quebecois have long been accustomed to corruption and government malfeasance. Despite the outraged responses to a 2010 cover story in a Canadian news magazine that depicted the iconic mascot of the Quebec Carnival…

Waiving immunity lets those in power be held to account

28 June 2013, by Anne-Claire Blok. This post was originally published on the Transparency International website. In late March, a French court ordered an investigation into alleged abuses of power by IMF chief Christine Lagarde during her time as a…

5th Pillar Statement UNCAC IRG Meeting

Vienna, 30 May 2013, by Vijay Anand. My name is Vijay Anand, and am President of 5th Pillar, a citizens‟ coalition against corruption in India. 5th Pillar’s objective is to enable and empower every citizen to seek transparency and accountability…

IRG Statement by Coordination Committee Member Saad Filali Meknassi

Vienna, 30 May 2013, by Saad Filali Meknassi. Mr. / Madam Chairman, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I am Saad Filali Meknassi of Transparency International Morocco and member of the Coordination Committee of the UNCAC Civil Society Coalition.…

Statement by the UNCAC Coalition to the UNCAC Implementation Review Group Briefing for NGOs

Vienna, 30 May 2013, by Vincent Lazatin. Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates, My name is Vincent Lazatin the Executive Director of the Transparency and Accountability Network in the Philippines. I address you now as the chair of the UNCAC Coalition Coordination…

Experience on the review of the UNCAC implementation in Cambodia

Vienna, 30 May 2013, by Preap Kol. Cambodia signed the UNCAC in September 5th 2007 and is currently undertaking a review of the implementation of the UNCAC for the first time. Cambodia has chosen an inclusive approach for its review…

Christian Aid Statement on Out-of-Court Settlements to the UNCAC Implementation Review Group Briefing for NGOs

Vienna, 30 May 2013, by Eric Gutierrez. Mr. Chair, Distinguished Delegates, My name is Eric Gutierrez. I am the Senior Adviser on Accountable Governance at Christian Aid and based in the UK. I would like to thank you for this…

Christian Aid Statement on Beneficial Ownership to the UNCAC Implementation Review Group Briefing for NGOs

Vienna, 30 May 2013, by Eric Gutierrez. Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates, My name is Eric Gutierrez and I am the Senior Adviser on Accountable Governance at Christian Aid, an international NGO with offices in 45 countries. We would like to…

Statement by SERAP, Nigeria to the UNCAC Implementation Review Group Briefing for NGOs

Vienna, 30 May 2013, by Adetokunbo Mumuni. Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates, My name is Adetokunbo Mumuni and I am the Executive Director of the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) in Nigeria. I would like to thank you for this…

Statement by the Zero Corruption Coalition, Nigeria to the UNCAC Implementation Review Group Briefing for NGOs

Vienna, 30 May 2013, by Oluajo Babatunde. Immunity as a potential and real threat to efforts to combat corruption The Zero Corruption Coalition (ZCC) is a coalition of over one hundred civil society organizations working on issues of anti-corruption, transparency…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)