
Anti-Corruption & Human Rights: Exploring Synergies

25 January 2024 – By Andrea Rocca, Transparency International and Betina Pasteknik, UNCAC Coalition, Co-chairs of the UNCAC Coalition Human Rights & Corruption Working Group.  Amnesty International, Transparency International and the UNCAC Coalition hosted a special event on corruption and…

International data exchange for asset declarations: guest blog

19 January 2023 – Asset declaration systems are one of the most powerful tools in combating corruption. The effectiveness of asset declarations all depends on their verification. When verifying asset declarations of public officials, access to foreign data is often…

14th Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting: Tackling Environmental Crime and corruption through regional attempts

22 December 2023 – Environmental crime and corruption have become major contemporary anti-corruption issues. Many threats stemming from environmental problems emerge from corruption, causing harm to the environment as well as threatening living entities on Earth. On the eve of…

UNCAC CoSP10 – Atlanta Civil Society Declaration

–– 15 December 2023, Atlanta, USA –– download the Atlanta Civil Society Declaration .pdf UNCAC CoSP10 – Atlanta Civil Society Declaration As the 10th Session of the Conference of the States Parties (CoSP10) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption…

UNCAC CoSP10: Civil society organizations excluded from UN anti-corruption conference due to objections

*** Note: After the release of this statement, the UNCAC CoSP held a first-ever vote, deciding that all observers are allowed to participate. ***   Atlanta, 11 December 2023 – Transparency International and the UNCAC Coalition strongly condemn the move…

UNCAC at a glance, one year later – Updates from tracking UNCAC reviews

8 December 2023 – Global mapping of anti-corruption progress: tools for success In a year of anniversaries, this year’s International Anti-Corruption Day on 9 December commemorates 20 years of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), taking place just before the…

New Civil Society Report on Guinea: Poor access to information and weak implementation hinders anti-corruption efforts

7 December 2023 –  A new report by Association Guinéenne pour la Transparence (AGT) finds that whilst Guinea has a substantial anti-corruption legal framework and policies, there is a lack of implementation in practice, as well as an urgent need…

Actionable advocacy approaches – 13th Regional Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean

4 December 2023 – Anti-corruption advocacy by civil society organizations in Latin America has existed since the late 1980s, and many organizations, including some UNCAC Coalition Members and Affiliates, have more than 30 years of experience as anti-corruption watchdogs. Staying…

New civil society report on Puerto Rico: More transparency, stronger enforcement and a robust asset recovery framework needed

4 December 2023 – A recent report authored by Centro de Gobernanza Pública y Corporativa (Center for Public and Corporate Governance) finds that provisions for the prevention of corruption (Chapter II of the UNCAC) have largely been implemented into the…

10th Regional Meeting for Europe – Spotlight on lobbying: How can we mitigate corruption risks and policy capture?

4 December 2023 – There is a paradox associated with lobbying. While it has become commonly accepted that lobbying is an inherent and legitimate activity in our increasingly complex democratic societies, including the lobbying carried out by civil society groups,…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)