
Strengthening the UNCAC’s review mechanism 

The UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) is the world’s only comprehensive, global anti-corruption treaty. It creates obligations for States across the anti-corruption spectrum.   It is a fundamental tool to advance the fight against corruption worldwide.  The Implementation Review Mechanism (IRM) is the…

UNCAC Coalition welcomes new board members

UNCAC Coalition members in June elected the following organizations and individuals to the Coalition Coordination Committee (CCC): SeatOrganizationRepresentative Americas Regional SeatCivil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ)Clara Inés LucarellaEurope Regional Seat 1Transparency International GeorgiaSandro Kevkhishvili…

Unlocking the Power of Strategic Litigation

8 July 2024 – Strategic litigation is a powerful tool for civil society organizations (CSOs) to advance their anti-corruption efforts, especially in contexts where law enforcement is weak or lacks independence. It can help establish legal precedents, publicly expose injustices,…

Middle East and North Africa Regional Meeting: Corruption and opaque practices undermining aid delivery

28 June 2024 – Corruption and waste in humanitarian aid and reconstruction operations are key concerns for civil society in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and were at the center of discussions at a recent UNCAC Coalition…

New Civil Society Report on Ukraine: Challenges in anti-corruption legislation implementation due to resource shortages, lack of political will, and the Russian invasion 

17 June 2024 – A new report authored by the Institute of Legislative Ideas finds that Ukraine has made notable progress in adopting anti-corruption legislation in recent years. However, shortcomings in enforcement and implementation in practice, especially in recent years…

Strengthening the Anti-Money Laundering Framework in Brazil: A Civil Society Impact Story

14 June 2024 – With support from the UNCAC Coalition, civil society in Brazil is involved in strengthening the national anti-money laundering framework. How are civil society voices making a difference in the fight against corruption? Stories like this one…

Reviving the Regional Platform to Fast-Track UNCAC Implementation in Eastern Africa

12 June 2024 – The East Africa Anti-Corruption Platform was convened in Nairobi from May 20th to 23rd, 2024, with a renewed commitment to revive the regional platform and fast-track UNCAC implementation in Eastern Africa. The conference, held under the…

16th Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting – Safeguarding Whistleblowers: Avenues for Action by CSOs

5 June 2024 – Safeguarding whistleblowers is essential for effective anti-corruption efforts, particularly in detecting offenses and implementing anti-corruption measures. Globally, over 170 nations and territories have enacted some form of whistleblower protection, with approximately 60 possessing comprehensive legal frameworks…

Moldova signs the UNCAC Review Transparency Pledge

22 May 2024 – The Republic of Moldova has become the 39th country to sign the UNCAC Coalition’s Transparency Pledge, voluntarily committing to a high level of transparency and civil society inclusion in the second cycle of the UNCAC implementation…

UNCAC Coalition expresses concern regarding judicial action against Somali Journalists Syndicate

17 May 2024 – The UNCAC Coalition, a network of more than 400 civil society organizations worldwide, today expressed concern regarding a recent judicial decision by Somali authorities to freeze the bank accounts of media freedom organization, the Somali Journalists…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)