
No room at the witness stand – Kenyan groups raise the question of victims of corruption in the UK courts

23 February 2015, Corruption Watch UK. This post was originally published on the Corruption Watch UK website. It has long been an anti-corruption mantra that corruption is not a victimless crime. As the OECD states in its anti-corruption literature, corruption…

OGP Civil Society Co-chairs Statement on the General Transparency Law in Mexico

21 February 2015, by Suneeta Kaimal and Alejandro González Arreola, Open Government Partnership. This post was originally published on the Open Government Partnership website. Mexico has a demonstrated track record of international leadership in the field of transparency. In 2002,…

Nigerian SERAP, Corruption Watch, ANEEJ ask Jega to publish contracts for printing ballot papers

Abuja, 8 February 2015. Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP), Corruption Watch UK, and the African Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) have sent an open letter to the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Professor Attahiru Jega…

Nigerian CSOs Demand Release of Full Report of Forensic Audit of NNPC and Implementation of all its Recommnedations

Abuja, 8 February 2015. Nigerian Civil Society organizations working on good governance, transparency and accountability in the extractive sector and tax justice demand that the federal government should, without further delay, release to the public, the full report of the…

Statement of Concern from Indonesian Anti-Corruption Networks

Jakarta, 26 January 2015. We, the anti-corruption networks, academics, civil society organizations and concerned citizens, call for broad-based support for the anti-corruption struggle in Indonesia that has now reached a real testing moment from various ‘interest’ groups such as members…

End impunity for corruption and recognize people's rights to information and participation

9 December 2014. Hundreds of groups worldwide call for governments to act On the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day, the UNCAC Coalition, an anti-corruption network of 350 public interest groups worldwide, is calling on governments to get serious about tackling…

Message from the UNCAC Coalition Chair

9 December 2014, by Manzoor Hasan. At the adoption of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in 2003, the UN General Assembly designated 9 December as International Anti-corruption Day. As it is commemorated around the world each year, it not…

G20 action on beneficial ownership a potential boon for UNCAC compliance

8 December 2014, by Heather Lowe and Liz Confalone, Global Financial Integrity. Leading into the November 2014 G20 Brisbane Summit, a broad coalition of civil society organisations, including the UNCAC Coalition, stepped up their advocacy, focused on urging leaders to…

Corruption, information and post-2015 development

8 December 2014, by David Banisar, ARTICLE 19. Last week, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon released a long-awaited report setting the agenda for fighting global poverty and promoting development for the next 15 years. The report “The Road to Dignity…

#Luxleaks scandal highlights urgent need for corporate transparency

24 November 2014, by Pam Bartlett Quintanilla, Access Info Europe. The #Luxleaks scandal is still making headlines after the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists published hundreds of secret tax agreements signed between Luxembourg and large multinational companies when Jean-Claude Juncker,…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)