
Transparency International and UNCAC Coalition Letter to UNCAC COSP President and Secretary

Vienna, 10 November 2017 > Download the letter here (.pdf) > Download the response from UNODC here (.pdf)   The Hon. Thelma Aldana Hernández de López Chair of the UNCAC Conference of States Parties UNCAC Bureau, UN Vienna Mr. Dimitri…

Transparency International Statement at Plenary Session of 7th UNCAC COSP

Vienna, 8 November 2017 Mr President, distinguished delegates, My name is Delia Ferreira Rubio and I am the Chair of Transparency International. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you today on behalf of Transparency International. I…

UNCAC Coalition Statement at General Plenary of 7th UNCAC COSP

Vienna, 8 November 2017 Juanita Olaya, Chair, UNCAC Coalition Honourable Mr Vice President and honourable delegates, dear civil society colleagues, Time and again we feel as if we are at a critical juncture in history, collectively choosing between one path…

New Massive Leak of Secret Documents from Bermudian Offshore Law Firm Reveals Tax Abuses and Corruption by Companies and the Global Elite

Washington, DC, 5 November 2017 This post was originally published on the Global Financial Integrity website. “Offshore Firm of the Year” Not Alone in Abusing and Profiting from Weaknesses in Corporate Tax Reporting Requirements and Company Ownership Transparency Rules GFI…

US Withdrawal as Implementing Country from EITI Regetful ANEEJ Holds

Abuja, Nigeria, 5 November 2017 This post was originally published on the Africa Network for Environment & Economic Justice website. The Africa Network for Environment & Economic Justice (ANEEJ) has expressed dismay and bewilderment at the March 2017 withdrawal of…

Special Rapporteur: Lack of UN-wide access to information policy “intolerable”

24 October 2017 This post was originally published on the ARTICLE 19 website. The UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye, today presents a major report to the UN General Assembly on the right of access…

Malta: Killing of anti-corruption blogger must be thoroughly investigated

17 October 2017 This post was originally published on the ARTICLE 19 website. ARTICLE 19 calls for a full, independent and speedy investigation into the murder of investigative journalist and blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia, after she was killed by a…

We condemn the barbaric murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia who fearlessly exposed corruption

17 October 2017 This post was originally published on the Transparency International website. Anti-corruption activists, press freedom advocates and investigative journalists from around the world condemn the barbaric murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, an investigative journalist from Malta who courageously…

Petition to the International Association of Prosecutors

The Hague, 5 September 2017 Dear members of the IAP Executive Committee and the Senate, In the run-up to the annual conference and general meeting of the International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) in Beijing, China, the undersigned civil society organisations…

Statement on the Murder of Chris Msando

Nairobi, Kenya, 1 August 2017, Africa Centre for Open Governance The apparent murder of Mr. Chris Msando, acting ICT director of the IEBC, is a deeply troubling development; particularly given that there are only seven days to go before the…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)