
Second Regional Meeting for Latin America: Political Financing, Corruption and Integrity

24 May 2021 – A lively exchange of ideas on the need for more transparency and integrity in political financing resulted in calls to cooperate as a united force to guarantee clean elections in the region in the UNCAC Coalition’s…

New Civil Society Report on Benin: Impartial anti-corruption bodies and private sector transparency needed to effectively combat corruption

10 May 2021 – Benin has made great strides in improving its legislative and institutional frameworks with regards to the implementation of provisions under both Chapter II (Preventive measures) and Chapter V (Asset Recovery) of the United Nations Convention against…

UNCAC Coalition discusses UNGASS & the Path Forward with Vienna negotiators

22 April 2021 – What is the way forward to identify and discuss weaknesses and gaps in the global anti-corruption framework after the UN Special Session against corruption in June? On which issues has the UNCAC proven to be inefficient…

UNCAC Coalition briefs Civil Society on UNGASS preparations

20 April 2021 – Less than two months to go until the first-ever UNGASS against corruption, modalities for civil society participation in the special session are finally becoming clearer, and many CSOs wish to engage and contribute to a meaningful…

UNCAC Coalition Victims of Corruption Working Group discusses art as a means to give voice and identity to victims, featuring Luis Sotelo

20 April 2021 – How can art be used as a transformative medium for the individual and collective voices of victims of corruption? This question was at the center of a recent virtual meeting of the UNCAC Coalition’s Working group…


20 April 2021 – Issued by Transparency International, the UNCAC Coalition and Integrity Initiatives International To tackle transnational, large-scale and high-level forms of corruption, UN member states should task a special intergovernmental expert group with the development of concrete solutions,…

New Civil Society Report on Ecuador: More Inter-Institutional Coordination and a Truly Independent Judiciary Needed to Advance Anti-Corruption Efforts

15 April 2021 – Ecuador has made significant progress towards developing normative legal frameworks for the implementation of most articles of Chapter II (Preventive Measures), but the implementation of Chapter V (Asset Recovery) provisions of the United Nations Convention against…

OECD Session Recap: Prioritizing Transparency in the Fight against Corruption, Post-Pandemic

15 April 2021 – As part of the 2021 OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum, the UNCAC Coalition and Access Info Europe hosted a virtual session on ‘Transparency to Fight Corruption in Post-Pandemic Development.’ The time to advance transparency globally…

First Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting: Civic Space and COVID-19

13 April 2021 – The COVID-19 Pandemic has been misused as a pretext for limiting civic space and suspending or circumventing parliamentary oversight in several countries in the Asia-Pacific region, resulting in massive corruption risks in the governments’ responses to…

Board Elections 2021

9 April 2021 – The UNCAC Coalition is announcing the upcoming election of members of the Coalition’s Coordination Committee (CCC), which is the organisation’s oversight and coordination body. The following board seats are up for election: a – East Asia,…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)