The Ninth Session of the UNCAC Conference of States Parties (9th CoSP)

Page last updated: 7 March 2022

CoSP9  Summary

The CoSP Observer – Conference Newsletter

The UNCAC Coalition is summarizing news and views from civil society observers at the 9th UNCAC CoSP. Stay tuned throughout the week, and check out our updates below:
Check out the UNODC’s CoSP 9 Special Events page for recordings and materials from the different events.

Oral statements by the UNCAC Coalition and its members

Written submissions to the UNCAC CoSP

Thematic submissions

Submissions by UNCAC Coalition Working Groups

Submissions by the organizations in the UNCAC Coalition’s network on regional anti-corruption priorities

Executive summaries of civil society parallel reports on UNCAC implementation: Argentina, Armenia, Benin, Cambodia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ghana, Honduras, Madagascar, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Zimbabwe

Submissions by UNCAC Coalition members:

Press Releases 

Special Events at CoSP9

Recording not yet available.

Recording not yet available.

The recording is available here.

The recording is available here

The recording is available here.



All resolutions adopted by the CoSP to the UNCAC can be found here.
Overview of the resolutions adopted
Number Title SponSors
9/1 Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration on strengthening international cooperation in the prevention of and fight against corruption during times of emergencies and crisis response and recovery Armenia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Honduras Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, State of Palestine, United Arab Emirates and Yemen
Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Lebanon, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates
Colombia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Honduras, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates
Angola, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Honduras, Kiribati, Lebanon, Morocco, Mozambique, Portugal, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland
Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, State of Palestine and United Arab Emirates
Armenia and Costa Rica on behalf of the G77 and China
Burkina Faso, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Saudi Arabia and State of Palestine
Angola, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Lebanon, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, State of Palestine, Thailand and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Overview of the Decisions adopted
Number TITLE

Resources & Links

  • COSP9 page on UNODC website:
  • CoSP9 Programme of Events:
  • UNODC Information Note for Participants:
  • CoSP website by host country:!
  • UNODC Guidance note for NGOs (2019):
  • UNODC CoSP8 page (2019):
  • UNCAC Coalition CoSP8 page (2019):
  • Contacts at UNODC:
    • NGO unit:
    • UNCAC Secretariat:

CoSP Civil Society briefing – 12 December 2021:

UNODC and the UNCAC Coalition hosted a preparatory session on the CoSP9 for civil society at the Conference venue in Sharm El-Sheik on Sunday, 12 December. The session briefed attendees on the Conference, and provided civil society space to discuss priority issues and advocacy actions throughout the week.

Pre-CoSP CSO briefings:

  • In preparation for the 9th UNCAC CoSP, the UNCAC Coalition hosted a first civil society briefing in October on the status of preparations for the Conference. Did you miss out? Catch up here.
  • The UNCAC Coalition hosted a second civil society briefing on organizational matters and the status of preparations for the Conference in December. If you missed the session, catch up here.

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)