
New Civil Society Report on Madagascar: Momentum built on anti-corruption initiatives requires concrete legal action and increased political will to advance efforts

13 August 2021 – A recent report authored by the Transparency International Initiative Madagascar (TI-MG) notes encouraging prospects in Madagascar in terms of the implementation of provisions under Chapter II (Preventive measures) and Chapter V (Asset recovery) of the United…

NGO Briefing during the UNCAC IRG Session on 7 September 2021

26 July 2021 – On 7 September, 13:15-15:00 Vienna Time, the yearly NGO Briefing will take place on the margins of the resumed 12th session of the UNCAC Implementation Review Group (the UNCAC IRG).  During the briefing, the UNCAC secretariat…

Uzbek Civil Society Activists call for Transparency and Inclusion in the Return of Ill-Gotten Assets to Uzbekistan by the Swiss Government

9 July 2021 –  In November 2020, the governments of Switzerland and Uzbekistan signed a memorandum of understanding to facilitate the return of Gulnara Karimova’s ill-gotten assets to Uzbekistan. Although the memorandum pledged to conduct the return process in a…

UNCAC Coalition holds debrief for civil society on the outcomes of the UNGASS 2021 and ways forward

9 July 2021 – On 6 July, 50 participants from civil society organisations and Vienna delegations joined the UNCAC Coalition for a virtual debrief on the recent first-ever UN Special Session Against Corruption (UNGASS) against corruption. The meeting discussed the…

UNCAC Coalition hosts two briefings for civil society ahead of the final preparations for the UNGASS

26 May 2021 – Just under one week to go until the first-ever UNGASS against Corruption takes place, the final preparations for the Special Session are well underway, with more details about the format, agenda and side events now available.…

New Civil Society Report on Benin: Impartial anti-corruption bodies and private sector transparency needed to effectively combat corruption

10 May 2021 – Benin has made great strides in improving its legislative and institutional frameworks with regards to the implementation of provisions under both Chapter II (Preventive measures) and Chapter V (Asset Recovery) of the United Nations Convention against…

UNCAC Coalition discusses UNGASS & the Path Forward with Vienna negotiators

22 April 2021 – What is the way forward to identify and discuss weaknesses and gaps in the global anti-corruption framework after the UN Special Session against corruption in June? On which issues has the UNCAC proven to be inefficient…

OECD Session Recap: Prioritizing Transparency in the Fight against Corruption, Post-Pandemic

15 April 2021 – As part of the 2021 OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum, the UNCAC Coalition and Access Info Europe hosted a virtual session on ‘Transparency to Fight Corruption in Post-Pandemic Development.’ The time to advance transparency globally…

Beneficial Ownership Transparency and the UNGASS

7 April 2021 – In a three-part series of issue-specific briefings for delegations negotiating the UNGASS Political Declaration, the UNCAC Coalition hosted a webinar on Beneficial Ownership Transparency (BOT) alongside Open Ownership and Transparency International. The event was co-sponsored by…

UNCAC Coalition briefs UNGASS delegates on Asset and Interest Disclosure

6 April 2021 – What role can asset and interest declarations of public officials play in preventing and detecting conflicts of interest and possible corruption cases? What are good practice approaches and common challenges in asset declaration frameworks? These questions…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)