
Notes from the Implementation Review Group Meeting

30 November 2010, by Gillian Dell Now here I sit in pristine white hallway of the IAEA building in front of the room where IRG delegates hold their meetings. (UNODC conference facilities are undergoing renovation thus the use of the…

Da Cidadania à Sustentabilidade Social

Brazil, 3 May 2010, by Fernando Di Lascio, Instituto Qualicidade. Nas repúblicas e nas democracias o principal alicerce da cidadania é a soberania popular, de onde advém todo o poder confiado pelo Povo aos seus servidores públicos eleitos, concursados e…

UNCAC Updates: The Deal in Doha

26 November 2009, by Gillian Dell. On Friday the 13th, 2009, the Doha deal on the UNCAC review mechanism was concluded! (Resolution L9). The deal was adopted by approximately 106 States Parties represented at CoSP3 – another 14 governments were…

At the right place at the right time: Coalition non-paper for COSP 3 in Doha

10 November 2009, by Andrea Figari. Doha Chronicles, Day 2. And here is another edition of the Monitor from Doha. The focus for this edition was to highlight the positive experiences of other review mechanisms -as the debate is getting…

Spelling it out in Doha: Be Accountable, Be Inclusive, Go Public

9 November 2009, by Andrea Figari. UNCAC Coalition demonstration during the 3rd UNCAC Conference of States Parties, Doha, Qatar, November 2009 Doha Chronicles, Day 1. Greetings from sunny Doha. I wanted to share with you news about the “Spelling it…

Hello, Doha!

6 November 2009, by Andrea Figari. We made it to Doha – bringing at this stage over 330 signatures from civil society organizations supporting the establishment of an open, transparent and inclusive review mechanism. And counting! Watch this space to…

Pressure on government increasing

6 November 2009, by Georg Neumann. Two days until the conference starts and participants arriving, the pressure on governments to agree on an effective, transparent and inclusive review mechanism of the UN Convention against Corruption is increasing. Signatures to the…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)