
Lifting the veil on who owns companies will help combat corruption in Australia

11 April 2017, by Serena Lillywhite, Transparency International Australia. Having lived in Cambodia, I have seen first-hand the impacts of poor transparency and elite capture of corporate ownership and benefits. Yet this is far from being just a developing country…

Pushing for beneficial ownership transparency in Europe

10 April 2017, by Andreas Pavlou, Access Info Europe. Earlier this year, the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs and Civil Liberties committees voted to strengthen beneficial ownership transparency rules across the European Union as part of the current revision…

One year after the Panama Papers: A new tool to find out who owns companies

7 April 2017, by Zosia Sztykowski, OpenOwnership. The Panama Papers leak ignited political will for corporate transparency and led to a number of commitments by countries around the world to establish central, public registers of beneficial ownership. The public nature…

UNCAC second review cycle: What’s happened so far?

11 December 2016 As we start the second review cycle of the UNCAC review process, we have been asking members in the countries participating in the first year about their experiences so far. News from Burundi from Ella Ndikumana of

Recovering stolen loot: SERAP’s work on asset recovery in Nigeria

10 December 2016, by Timothy Adewale, Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP). Asset recovery (UNCAC chapter V), along with preventive measures (UNCAC chapter II), is the focus of the second cycle of the UNCAC review process. The UNCAC promotes international…

UNODC and civil society partner promote implementation of UNCAC at Panama conference

5 December 2016, UNODC. This post was originally published on the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime website. UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) Coalition and UNODC’s specialists encourage participants of Anti-Corruption Conference to work jointly for an effective implementation

Brazilian prosecutors awarded Transparency International’s 2016 Anti-Corruption Award

4 December 2016 On 2 December 2016, Transparency International presented the Brazilian Força-Tarefa Lava Jato (Carwash Task Force) with its Anti-Corruption Award, which honours remarkable anti-corruption individuals and organisations around the world. The 2016 award went to the prosecutors at…

The first multi-stakeholder workshop on the UNCAC second cycle review created synergies between Africa and Southeast Europe

4 October 2016, UNODC. This post was originally published on the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime website. Multi-stakeholder workshop at the UN Headquarters in Vienna, Austria Cooperation between Governments and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in implementing the United…

Let’s pick up the slow pace of change in Panama

26 August 2016, by Anne Koch. This post was originally published on the Transparency International website. A Panamanian SlothImage: Flickr / marthaenpiet The recent moves by the Panamanian government to clean up its image in the wake of the Panama…

Beyond destinations, havens and victims

9 August 2016, by Jackson Oldfield. This post was originally published on the Civil Forum for Asset Recovery website. When we talk about the theft of public assets and their return, we often get into a discussion of ‘destination countries’,…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)