
Inside Job: How crooks set up the largest bank in Afghanistan and then robbed it for almost $1 billion

28 November 2012, Global Witness. The first official analysis of the “Kabul Bank Crisis” of 2010 reveals an urgent need for reform in the international banking system, said Global Witness today. The “Report of the Public Inquiry into the Kabul…

Egyptian Asset Recovery: Nil Returns to Date from the UK

27 November 2012, by Tim Daniel. In February 2012, President Hosni Mubarak was forced from power in Egypt, crowning what came to be called the ‘Arab Spring’. The crowds gathered in Tahrir Square had for months condemned Mubarak’s regime as…

Equatorial Guinea takes France to the International Court of Justice

27 November 2012, by Maud Perdriel-Vaissière, SHERPA. A unique opportunity to rule on immunity in grand corruption cases On 26 September 2012, Equatorial Guinean authorities announced that they had filed a case against France in the International Court of Justice…

Coalition workshop at 15th IACC: Joining forces to make UNCAC work

23 November 2012, by Gillian Dell and Kristen Brand, Transparency International. On the final day of the 15th IACC in Brasilia (7-10 November 2012), 67 IACC participants joined 6 panellists at a Coalition workshop entitled “Joining forces for enforcement: Making…

In Memoriam: Jeremy Pope

12 November 2012, by Karen Hussmann. Sadness and pain marks this moment in which we are forced by fate to say good-bye to a beloved friend – a contagiously enthusiastic and inspiring soul of the anti-corruption movement — our dear…

Floods: Relief funds and materials not reaching most victims

4 November 2012, Tearfund, SERAP. Two civil society groups, UK-based Tearfund and Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) have expressed “concerns that relief funds and materials allocated to cater for the needs of the displaced persons and victims of floods…

10th Anniversary of Right to Know Day

29 October 2012. 28 September 2012 was the 10th anniversary of International Right to Know Day, proclaimed by the Freedom of Information Advocates Network (FOIAnet) in 2002. Much has happened over those ten years. FOIAnet itself has grown from a…

Chinese Economy Lost $3.79 Trillion in Illicit Financial Outflows Since 2000, Reveals New GFI Report

25 October 2012, Global Financial Integrity. This post was originally published on the Global Financial Integrity website. Fraudulent Mispricing of Trade Accounted for $3.20 Trillion in Illicit Outflows from 2000–2011 Serious Ramifications for “Social and Political Stability” The Chinese economy…

Killing of Russian Whistle-Blower Magnitsky Brought before European Court of Human Rights

19 October 2012, Open Society Justice Initiative. The Open Society Justice Initiative has filed a complaint before Europe’s top human rights court on behalf of the mother of Sergei Magnitsky, the Russian tax adviser and whistle-blower who died in detention…

Missing $12.4bn oil windfall suit now for final judgment in November

26 September 2012. Hope for a definite legal pronouncement and accountability for the missing $12.4 billion oil windfall was yesterday kept alive as the Federal High Court in Abuja finally adjourned the suit to 23 November 2012 for judgment. This…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)