
Monitoring the OAS Anti-Corruption Convention implementation – country visit to Argentina

12 December 2012, by Ezequiel Nino, ACIJ. At the end of October a delegation of experts from the Follow-up Mechanism of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption visited Argentina, in the framework of the Fourth Round of review. A few meetings…

Civil society training on UNCAC monitoring

12 December 2012, by Adam Foldes, Transparency International. For any conference or workshop I attend, I have a very simple standard to assess whether or not the time was well spent: if I can collect at least three or four…

International Anti-Corruption Day

12 December 2012. International Anti-Corruption Day was celebrated on 9 December around the world. Here a few activities convened by UNCAC Coalition members to mark the day: In Afghanistan, the Afghan Anti-Corruption Network (AACN) held, for the first time…

Civil society recommendations in reaction to new G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan 2013–2014

10 December 2012. To the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Canada. Dear Co-Chairs of the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group, We are encouraged by your commitment to “closing the implementation and enforcement gap“—as stated in the new…

World Anti-Corruption Day – Time for Nigeria to Get Its Act Together and Save Itself from International Opprobrium

9 December 2012. By resolution 58/4 of October 31, 2003, the UN General Assembly designated December 9 as International Anti-Corruption Day. This decision aimed to raise people’s awareness of corruption and of the role of the United Nations Convention against…

Ahead of Anti-Corruption Day, GFI Reviews the Major Developments of 2012

Washington DC, 7 December 2012, Global Financial Integrity. This post was originally published on the Global Financial Integrity website. As the world observes International Anti-Corruption Day this Sunday, December 9, 2012, Global Financial Integrity highlighted some of the most notable…

Germany feels some pressure on UNCAC ratification

4 December 2012, by Christian Humborg, Transparency International Deutschland. Germany’s snail-paced progress towards ratification of the UNCAC received a new impetus with a letter signed last August 2012 by more than 30 German CEOs, including 26 of the DAX 30…

Struggling for Transparency in Spain

30 November 2012, by Lydia Medland and Victoria Anderica, Access Info Europe. Spain remains the only country in Europe with more than a million inhabitants without an access to information law. As a State Party to the UNCAC, the lack…

Missing $12.4bn oil windfall ruling a setback in the fight against corruption, says SERAP

30 November 2012. Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has described as “disappointing” and “a setback in the fight against large scale official corruption” the ruling yesterday by an Abuja Federal High Court presided over by Justice Gabriel Kolawole which…

The Public Clarifies What Millions for Corruption Fighting Were Wasted For

Kiev, 28 November 2012. Today, November 28, is the first anniversary of the State Program of Corruption Fighting and Prevention in Ukraine for 2011–2015. It has been adopted by the Government for implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy approved by…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)