
Proposals on Transparency and Anti-corruption for the 23rd Latin American Summit of Heads of State and Government

18 October 2013. Sr. Enrique V. Iglesias, Secretario General Iberoamericano Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) Estimado Sr. Enrique V. Iglesias, Nos dirigimos a Usted en relación con la XXIII Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno que tiene…

European Court of Justice rules in favour of greater transparency of the Council of the EU

Madrid / Luxembourg, 17 October 2013, Access Info Europe. This post was originally published on the Access Info Europe website. In a case brought by Access Info Europe, the European Court of Justice today rejected arguments by the Council of…

NGOs welcome enquiry by Paris prosecutor into financial crimes related to the Vinci Concessions Russie Moscow-St. Petersburg motorway

Paris, 3 October 2013, SHERPA. This post was originally published on the SHERPA website. Today’s announcement by the Paris Prosecutor to open a preliminary enquiry into financial crimes related to the construction of a motorway between Moscow and St. Petersburg…

Governments should act on transparency: International Right to Know Day

Berlin, 28 September 2013. Secrecy fosters corruption On International Right to Know Day, the UNCAC Coalition, a global civil society network, says governments need to move faster to implement transparency commitments made under the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).…

Hundreds of public interest groups worldwide tell governments the MDGs will fail unless nations address corruption now

Abuja / Berlin / Buenos Aires / Manila / Rabat, 25 September 2013. Hundreds of public interest organisations around the world sent a message today to UN General Assembly President John Ashe and to their national leaders calling on them…

Letter to the President of the United Nations General Assembly

25 September 2013. Mr. John William Ashe President of the UN General Assembly 68th session United Nations First Avenue at 46th Street New York, NY 10017, USA Dear UN General Assembly President Ashe, We are writing to you on behalf…

President Obama calls on the Open Government Partnership to help defend civic space around the world

New York, 23 September 2013, Open Government Partnership. This post was originally published on the Open Government Partnership website. Representatives of the Open Government Partnership participated today in a High Level Event Supporting Civil Society hosted by US President Barack…

Cost of Governance: Civil Society Calls for National Dialogue

Nigeria, 26 August 2013. We, the undersigned civil society organisations, are following with keen interest the controversy trailing the lead presentation by the former Vice President of the World Bank for Africa and Minister for Solid Minerals and later for…

Letter to the UNCAC Working Group on Prevention

23 August 2013. Dear members of the Working Group on Prevention, We are writing to you in advance of the next meeting of the Working Group on Prevention and of the Fifth Session of the Conference of States Parties (COSP)…

The Need for a UN Special Rapporteur on Corruption and Human Rights

Geneva, 13 August 2013. Oral statement by Transparency International to the Advisory Committee of the UN Human Rights Council on the negative impact of corruption on the enjoyment of human rights (Council resolution 23/9) Dear Advisory Committee members, I would…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)