
Chile signs the UNCAC Review Transparency Pledge

3 April 2020 Chile has become the 23nd country to sign the UNCAC Coalition’s Transparency Pledge, voluntarily committing to a high level of transparency and civil society inclusion in the second cycle of the UNCAC implementation review. Chile’s second cycle…

Board Elections 2020

27 March 2020 – We’re happy to announce this year’s elections for the UNCAC Coalition’s Board, the Coalition Coordination Committee (CCC), which directs and oversees the Coalition’s work. The following seats are up for election Americas Regional Seat Europe Regional…

Report on Swiss asset recovery policy and human rights

27 March 2020 The Centre for Civil and Political Rights’ Anti-Corruption and Human Rights Initiative recently published a report by the Swiss lawyers François Membrez and Matthieu Hösli entitled “How to return stolen assets: The Swiss policy pathway”, which examines…

Switzerland signs UNCAC Review Transparency Pledge

24 March 2020 Switzerland has become the 22nd country to sign the UNCAC Coalition’s Transparency Pledge, voluntarily committing to a high level of transparency and civil society inclusion in the second cycle of the UNCAC implementation review. Switzerland’s second cycle…

Take the UNGASS consultation survey for civil society organisations!

18 March 2020 Available in English, French and Spanish, the UNCAC Coalition’s new survey aims to collect input from civil society organizations around the world to define our priorities and advocacy asks for the first-ever UN General Assembly Special Session…

CSO roundtable in Ecuador defines regional anti-corruption action points

12 March 2020 –  The UNCAC Coalition’s new regional coordinator for Latin America, Iñaki Albisu Ardigo, recently participated in the Second Civil Society Roundtable on Fast-Tracking UNCAC Implementation, which was organized by UNODC with support of the UK government in…

Uzbek Activists call for Transparency and Accountability in prominent Asset Recovery Case

11 March 2020 – This statement by Uzbek civil society activists was first published on the website of the Uzbek-German Forum for Human Rights. Call for Transparency and Accountability in the Return of Gulnara Karimova Stolen Assets to Uzbekistan Addressed

UNGASS 2021: our first submission to the consultation process

03 March 2020 – The UNCAC Coalition has submitted its first contribution to the consultation process in preparation of the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) against Corruption, taking place in New York from 26 to 28 April 2021.…

Addressing impunity for grand corruption: what are the options?

2 March 2020, by Gillian Dell (Transparency International) This post was originally published on the Voices for Transparency website. United Nations PhotoSeguir General Assembly Concludes Annual Debate. Credit: UN Photo/Cia Pak on Flickr. Grand corruption and impunity go hand in…

Reparations for Corruption: How Corruption Enforcement Ignores Victims’ Rights

28 February 2020, by Juanita Olaya Garcia – This blog first appeared on the Corruption in Fragile States Blog. The UNCAC Coalition is working to advance discussions around the inclusion of victims and their compensation in corruption cases, including through …

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)