
Why an International Anti-Corruption Court is not the answer

This guest blog by Dr. Juanita Olaya Garcia, who chairs the UNCAC Coalition’s working group on Victims of Corruption and has also previously served as Chair of the Coalition, provides an alternative view on the proposal for the creation of…

Outlining the Proposal for an International Anti-Corruption Court

Leading proponents of an International Anti-Corruption Court (IACC) to tackle grand corruption discussed their vision and ideas with the UNCAC Coalition community 5 December 2022 – A proposal by Integrity Initiatives International (III) is driving an international discussion on the…

UNCAC Coalition at the International Anti-Corruption Conference

Joining over 2,000 people from the international anti-corruption community, the UNCAC Coalition team were thrilled to be at the 20th International Anti-Corruption Conference  in Washington D.C., USA, from 6-10 December 2022. We co-organized two workshops, summarised below. Check out the…

8th Regional Meeting for Sub-Saharan Africa: Funding of Candidatures for Elected Public Office and the Funding of Political Parties – Where are we now?

27 October 2022 – In its resolution 5/4 entitled “Follow-up to the Marrakech declaration on the prevention of corruption”, the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) decided that the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group…

8th Regional Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean: civil society is putting beneficial ownership transparency on the agenda

24 October 2022 – The increasing complexity of transnational business relationships, the digitization and decentralization of financial institutions, and the ease of doing business in multiple countries and jurisdictions, has made it more difficult for states and citizens to prevent…

8th Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting: Transparency in Political Financing

21 October 2022 – Transparency in political funding is at the heart of the international anti-corruption agenda. It plays a crucial role in keeping illicit money out of politics and elections and leveling the political and electoral playing field. As…

Unprecedented vote to protect civil society space at UN level at UNTOC COP11

Tuesday, 18 October 2022 – A historic vote yesterday at the 11th Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime overturned objections to three non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that had applied to participate as observers in…

4th Regional Meeting for Europe: Boosting beneficial ownership transparency – Best practices and potential for reform 

13 October 2022 – Beneficial ownership transparency is a topic gaining much attention on the international scene as a crucial tool to address many of the world’s pressing issues. Disclosing information on who ultimately owns businesses can help achieve a…

1 year after UNGASS: What have governments done to combat corruption?

29 September 2022 – Summary of key points from attending the recent UNGASS follow-up Intersessional meeting in Vienna. What progress have governments made on commitments to combat corruption? Earlier this month, governments and civil society experts met at the UN in Vienna…

New Civil Society Report on Brazil: the reversing of recent setbacks is needed to advance anti-corruption efforts

20 September 2022 – A new civil society report authored by Transparency International – Brazil finds that while Brazil has advanced in the implementation of articles of Chapter II (Preventive Measures) and Chapter V (Asset Recovery) provisions of the United…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)