CCC CANDIDACY 2024: Open Data Charter

Organization: Open Data Charter
Name of Organization’s Representative: Natalia Carfi

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Country: Argentina
Which seat are you nominating for? International Member Organization Seat 1

Organization’s Profile

Created in 2015, the Open Data Charter works via a set of 6 core Principles to help organisations in their openness journey. With a Network of over 170 governments and civil society organizations, we promote policies and practices that enable governments and CSOs to collect, share, and use well-governed data, to respond effectively and accountably to the following areas of work: anti-corruption, climate action, gender, artificial intelligence and data rights. We participate in global and regional discussions, forums and coalitions like the Open Governmennt Partnership, UNCAC Coalition, the UN Global Digital Compact, COP, the Global Alliance for Care and others.

Organization’s Experience

Regarding Anti-Corruption, we have developed and implemented practical tools and projects: the Anticorruption Open Up Guide, the Anticorruption Commitment Creator, and the Roadmap to Fight Corruption with Open Data. The two last ones are tools to help create better OGP open data and anti-corruption commitments.

The ODC’s Open Up Guide to Combat Corruption identifies priority datasets, open standards and open data use-cases that governments, civil society and other stakeholders can focus on to tackle corruption at all levels and to respond to increasingly complex corruption networks. We have implemented this Guide in different countries like Ecuador, Mexico and Uzbekistan. And we are currently implementing it in the Dominican Republic.

ODC helped in the creation of the hemispheric program of Open Data to combat corruptions of the Organization of American States (PIDA program), which has the Open Up Guide high value datasets at its core.

The tools and implementation reports can be viewed on our website:

We participated in person at CoSP10, last December and is a regular attendee and speaker at AICC.

Top 3 Priorities to Achieve as a CCC Member

  • Help with funding opportunities for the UNCAC Coalition but also for its members.
  • Foster better engagement with other regional or global coalitions working in related topics. 
  • Help the UNCAC Coalition with presence in forums ODC is at.

Candidate’s Profile

Natalia Carfi is the Executive Director of the Open Data Charter since 2021 and a member of the OGP Steering Committee since 2022. She has a longstanding experience in open data and open government, having worked in this field for over 15 years.

Natalia is the Executive Director of the Open Data Charter, and prior to that, over a decade of experience working in government, specialising in open government initiatives and civil society engagement projects. As a longstanding and respected member of the open data community in Latin America, she is well connected to civil society organisations and public officials across the world. She is the former Open Government Director for the Undersecretary of Public Innovation and Open Government of Argentina, also Open Government coordinator for the Digital Division of the Government of Chile and for the City of Buenos Aires.

She is part of the Open Data Leaders Network and the Academic Committee of the International Open Data Conference. Since October of 2022 she is part of the Open Government Partnership Steering Committee, representing global civil society.

Contributions to the Work of the Coalition

I think I will be able to help strengthen the connection between the UNCAC Coalition and the open data community, helping the Coalition better explain the added value of the membership to those open data CSOs that are not members yet.

I could also help facilitate the work with the OGP members. As a member of the OGP Steering Committee, I can help make the anti-corruption efforts stronger within the OGP members.

ODC can also help with capacity building for the Coalition ́s members as far as Open data goes, having worked in this specific topic for over 9 years.

Candidacy & Interest Disclosure


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A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)