CCC Candidacy 2024: HEDA Resource Centre

Organization: HEDA Resource Centre
Name of Organization’s Representative: Olanrewaju Suraju

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Country: Nigeria
Which seat are you nominating for? Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Seat 1

Organization’s Profile

Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA Resource Centre) is a non-governmental and non-partisan human rights and development league. It has mandate to defend, protect and promote universally recognised human rights and environmental justice in Nigeria and Africa, in accordance with international standards. These objectives are pursued through research and publications, campaigns, human rights education and empowerment projects and programmes.

At HEDA, we recognize that sustainable economic development cannot occur outside the democratic context and in an environment constantly pervaded with corruption and bribery. Thus, the organization also focuses on programs to sustain democracy based on accountability and participatory governance in the country.


HEDA envisions a continent where every citizen, irrespective of their locations and situations are entitled to their fundamental human rights as recognised by local, regional and international treaties, norms and instruments.


The Human and Environmental Development Agenda purport to serve as a centre for environment and human rights studies. It is to conduct and promote research and education, and collect relevant materials on all human rights issues with an aim to enhance and distribute the knowledge on environment and human rights to all Hard-to-reach.

Organization’s Experience

HEDA’s membership of the coalition dates to 2017. HEDA collaborated with the coalition to organise side event at the Conference State Parties and has remained active member of the coalition till date. The nominee was appointed the Chair of the Steering Group on Illicit Financial Flows of the Coalition [Working Group on Environmental Crime and Corruption, clarification added by Vienna Hub] and remains in that capacity as at the time of this application. HEDA has consistently created platforms at the national and international levels to promote UNCAC and its principles on compensating victims of corruption, recovery of illicit assets and finances, and promotion of civil society engagement of State Actors in the fight against corruption. Last year 2023, HEDA began a National Anti-Corruption Conference which brings together government officials, Anti-Corruption Agencies, CSOs and other stakeholders to discuss and profer recommendations on advancing the fight against corruption in Nigeria. This conference preceded HEDA’s Anti-Corruption Situation Room (ACSR) which began in 2017 and currently is in its 35th edition.

The ACSR is a platform of bringing together stakeholders to promote the schematic areas of UNCAC domestically. HEDA also publish annually a compendium of 100 high profile corruption cases in Nigeria to shame public office holders who had stolen from public coffer.

Top 3 Priorities to Achieve as a CCC Member

  1. Illicit assets prevention by countries of destination.
  2. Involving and empowering sub-national institutions in fight against corruption.
  3. Increasing north-south collaboration of NGOs in the fight against corruption and llicit assets recovery.

Candidate’s Profile

Suraju Olanrewaju is the Chairman of HEDA Resource Centre and Civil Society Network against Corruption (CISNAC), leading over 150 anti-corruption organizations in Nigeria. He’s a pivotal figure in fostering multi-stakeholder partnerships and networks across Africa on issues of good governance, human rights, and sustainable development. Suraju holds postgraduate diplomas and certificates in development studies and resource management from esteemed institutions worldwide. With extensive knowledge of Nigeria’s human rights and governance landscape, he consults on transparency and accountability in government.

Suraju has authored nearly 500 petitions exposing corruption and advocating for transparency at all levels of government. His relentless efforts led to the removal of corrupt judges and prosecution in high-profile cases like the Malabu deal. Despite facing victimization, notably an attack on his family by PEPs in 2022, Suraju remains undeterred 4 in his pursuit for justice. He has represented Nigeria internationally, speaking at seminars and conferences on stolen asset recovery and anti-corruption initiatives. He also conveyed a side-event at CoSP 10 to the UNCAC in Atlanta, USA in collaboration with Club de Madrid. Suraju’s dedication to combating corruption and promoting accountability has earned recognition from local agencies and international partners, cementing his reputation as a formidable anti-corruption advocate.

Contributions to the Work of the Coalition

HEDA under the leadership of the nominee has pioneered collaboration between the organisation and its northern partners in the tracing and petitioning for the recovery of over $500 million worth of illicit assets from Nigeria PEPs in US and UK. The organisation was the only southern NGO in collaboration with over 10 investigation and advocacy for the recovery of $1.3b oil licence obtained by major oil companies under a suspicious and corrupt circumstances. These experiences and others involving capacity enhancement of State and Non-state Actors, networking for maximum impacts, and Illicit Assets tracing will be shared with the board.

Candidacy & Interest Disclosure


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A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)