Become a Member

Organizations and individuals can apply to join the Coalition on this page. We encourage you to first read the information on the application process, membership types and application requirements, provided below. Please note that among other things, we require a well-established track record of work on anti-corruption issues or other issues covered by the UN Convention against Corruption. The links to the application forms can be found at the bottom of this page.

Becoming a member means:

  • Sharing best practices and coordinating efforts, 
  • Being included in the Coalition’s regional and global listserv (mailing list),
  • Being part of regular regional networking and advocacy meetings, 
  • Having the possibility to join Working Groups on priority topics,
  • You have preference for inclusion in the Coalition’s delegation to attend UNCAC meetings,
  • The possibility to receive guidance regarding the UNCAC review process in your country, 
  • Contributing to the shaping of the Coalition’s strategy, positions and statements to share best practices and coordinate efforts, 
  • Being included in your region’s email group, to receive regular updates about UNCAC developments and relevant meetings, among others,
  • Having the possibility to directly inform the Coalition’s advocacy, with the Coalition sharing input and findings from your work with country delegations and on the international level,
  • Possible partnerships on and inclusion in UNCAC Coalition events,
  • Inclusion in policy consultation and policy development, 
  • Having the possibility to present your work and organization as a ‘Member in the Spotlight
  • Possibility to submit content for the UNCAC Coalition’s newsletter
  • Possibility to author guest blog posts on the Coalition website
  • Full rights (see Charter) to:
    •  Run for a seat on the UNCAC Coalition’s board (CCC) (ordinary members) 
    •  Vote in board elections (ordinary members) 
    •  Participate in the Coalition’s Annual Membership Meetings

Please note that we do not provide grants or fundraising support.

We encourage you to be an active member. Please share with us: 

  • Blog posts (for re-posting or guest blogs on the Coalition page), short news updates, publications, relevant events/webinars, input for newsletter, social media posts (tag @uncaccoalition) with information on:
    • Updates and contributions to the UNCAC review process in your country,
    • News and major reforms on UNCAC implementation in your country,
    • Information on identified best practice approaches and success stories in your country/region,
    • Information on asset recovery cases involving your country;
    • International anti-corruption cases and (court) cases relevant beyond the borders of your country,

    • Research reports and analysis that is relevant for a global audience,

    • Attacks against your organization,

    • Interesting events you are organizing/hosting in relation to anti-corruption efforts.

Please do not share information such as:

  1. Press releases, in particular those directed to a local or national audience,
  2. Information that does not relate to the UNCAC or anti-corruption efforts more broadly,
  3. Statements on national issues (unless there is clear relevance for an international audience).

The Application Process

  1. Applicants submit an online application (see below).
  2. The application is assessed by the Vienna Hub Team to ensure the applicant meets the eligibility criteria for membership.
  3. If the applicant is eligible, the complete application is sent to the UNCAC Coalition Coordination Committee, which conducts four review rounds yearly.
  4. Applicants are notified via email of the outcome of their application.

Membership Types

A) Member Organization

We differentiate between Ordinary and Extraordinary, as well as between National and International Member Organizations.

Ordinary Member Organizations are involved in the activities of the Coalition and have the roles and responsibilities described in Section 7 of the Charter. Your organization can become an ordinary member if you provide the following materials together with your application:

  1. The organization’s registration certificate or a recent extract from an official register (proof of registration),
  2. The charter or statute of your organization,
  3. The organization’s annual report or a detailed document outlining the organization’s activities of the past year,
  4. Your organization’s annual externally audited or certified accounts.

Ordinary National Member Organizations are defined as a civil society organization working in a single country or in two countries.

Ordinary International Member Organizations are defined as civil society organizations working in three or more countries or with affiliates in three or more countries.

  • Ordinary International Member Organizations can put up a candidate in elections for the two seats for International Member Organizations on the Coordination Committee and can vote in elections and in Coalition decision-making processes.
  • Ordinary National Member Organizations can put up a candidate in elections for regional seats on the Coordination Committee and can vote in elections and in Coalition decision-making processes.
  • Individuals affiliated with a Member Organization may participate in Coalition discussions and activities.

Ordinary National and International Member Organizations are both asked to provide contact details of one representative from the organization. This person is authorized to vote in elections and take part in decision-making processes on behalf of the organization. If your organization would like to change its representative, it is important that you notify us. If your organization would like to have multiple members included on the Coalition’s listserv (mailing list), you should indicate this on the application form or send us an email.

Extraordinary Member Organizations support the Coalition, as described in Section 4 of the Charter. They are affiliated with the Association and support its work and mission, but do not have a vote. Your organization can apply to become an extraordinary member by completing the online application form and providing items (1), (2), and (3) of the documentation listed above, that is to say, every document except for an annual externally audited account.

The email address to use for notifications and inquiries is

Apply as a Member Organization

B) Individual Member

An Individual Member is defined as a natural person with vast experience as an activist or as a scholar working in the field of anti-corruption, and with no affiliation to a Member Organization. Individual Members may be candidates for and vote in elections for the Individual Member seat on the Coordination Committee. They may also participate in Coalition discussions and activities.

All Individual Member applicants must fill out the online application form, provide a recent CV and submit two letters of recommendation. The letters of recommendation should include an assessment of the applicant’s experience and expertise on anti-corruption and UNCAC-related issues and overall good standing. Letters of recommendation will ideally come from current member organizations or individual members, past or present supervisors, colleagues, or a civil society organization the applicant has cooperated with in the past.

The email address to use for notifications and inquiries is

Apply as an Individual Member

Application Terms

The Coalition Coordination Committee retains the discretion to waive, in exceptional circumstances with adequate justification, one or more of the items required of Ordinary Member Organizations or other applicants. It also has the discretion, with adequate justification, to request additional information from applicants and to reject an application even if all requested items are supplied.


If you are also interested in receiving the UNCAC Coalition newsletter, please sign up for it on our newsletter page.

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)