Victims of Corruption

The UNCAC Coalition’s Victims of Corruption (VoC) working group seeks to facilitate discussions, the exchange of information and joint advocacy among civil society experts around victims’ remedies and compensation for damages caused by corruption. The Asia-Pacific VoC sub-group has been set up to accommodate participants across different time zones. 

Working Group Chair: Juanita Olaya, independent expert and former Chair of the UNCAC Coalition 

Asia-Pacific Working Group Moderator: Janithrika Jayasundara

Working Groups Coordinator: Betina Pasteknik, Operations, Finance and Membership Lead, UNCAC Coalition

In case you are interested in joining the working group, please fill out this form.

If you have any questions please contact us at 

The Working Group hosts a dedicated email discussion list as well as several coordination calls per year. 

Next Working Group Meeting

For Participants from Asia-Pacific:

Working Group Taskforces:

Key Documents Taskforce

  • Lead: Juanita Olaya, independent expert and former Chair of the UNCAC Coalition

Case Work Taskforce

  • Co-leads: Sara Brimbeuf, Transparency International France; and Jose Ugaz, Benites, Vargas & Ugaz Abogados.

Databse Taskforce

  • Lead: Carlos Guerrero, DLM.

International Database: Corruption Damage Reparation and Legal Standing for
Victims of Corruption

The Working Group on Victims of Corruption has launched an international database of frameworks and practices in different countries on whether victims of corruption are recognized and/or compensated. The collected examples and findings are shared, published, and used to advance discussions, inform national and global advocacy efforts, and support evidence-based advocacy for the scaling of good practices. We hope this tool will be a useful resource.

Please contact us at to receive a questionnaire with asks about examples from the country you operate in. In case you know of cases or practices from other countries that we may not be aware of, please include these as well. Always indicate the original source or basis for your information so that it can be verified. You may also answer the questionnaire in your mother tongue if this is easier for you.

Short Film Contest – Unveiling our Stories: Victims of Corruption

The UNCAC Coalition is proud to announce the results of its short film contest. A panel of 6 experts formed the jury, which after deliberating, selected 3 winners and 1 honorable mention for films from Indonesia, Colombia, Georgia and Thailand. Many thanks to our international participants and judges for their time, commitment, creative efforts and ideas for this contest! Let us continue to give visibility to the victims, and spotlight the harmful effects of corruption.

Read more about the submissions, filmmakers, and their creations here!

Selected past activities and outputs of the UNCAC Coalition working group on victims of corruption:


UNCAC Coalition Guidelines and Etiquette

Please have a look at our Guidelines and Etiquette, which apply to all conversations and the exchange of information within this group and its email list. By being part of this group, you agree that you have read and will follow the guidelines set for the VoC group and its email list.