Hope Plus Organisation

Country: Malawi
Website: www.hopeplusmalawi.org
Head of the organisation: Samuel Gondwe, Organisation Secretary
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Tel: +265 884564667
Languages: English

General description of your work in the prevention of and the fight against corruption

Currently, the organisation focusses on raising awareness on issues such as budgets and public spending, whistleblower protection, asset declaration and conflicts of interest. HOPO organises discussion events that aim at explaining what corruption actually means, and to ensure that the community and different stakeholders take an active role in the prevention of and the fight against corruption. Special emphasis lies on the issue of whistleblowers and assuring their protection in order to encourage reporting of cases relevant to institutions and authorities. HOPO wants to make sure that duty bearers are held accountable on resource expenses to ensure transparency and accountability.

Describe your organisation’s work linked with the UN Convention against Corruption

HOPO has participated in a Regional Conference on Fast-Tracking the Implementation of the UNCAC in Southern Africa, 14–18 October 2018.

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)