
12th Regional Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean: Creating an impact at CoSP10

6 November 2023 – With the 10th Conference of the States Parties to the UNCAC (CoSP10) less than two months away at the time, civil society organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean came together virtually in October  to speak…

Launch of the Regional Platform to Fast-Track the Implementation of the UNCAC in the Caribbean

6 November 2023 – From the 9th to the 11th of October, the UNCAC Coalition’s Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean, Iñaki Albisu, participated in the UNODC-led conference launching the Regional Platform to Fast-Track the Implementation of the…

20 years of UNCAC – How civil society participates in UNCAC implementation reviews

31 October 2023 – Today marks the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the UNCAC, the only comprehensive, global, legally-binding anti-corruption instrument with 190 States Parties to date. The world has changed immensely over the past 20…

New civil society report on Burundi: New anti-corruption strategy lacks implementation and political backing

24 October 2023 – A recent report authored by the The Anti-corruption and Economic Malpractice Observatory (Observatoire de Lutte contre la Corruption et les Malversations Économiques, OLUCOME) finds that provisions for the prevention of corruption and asset recovery (Chapter II…

13th Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting: Corruption in Public Procurement

20 October 2023 – As one of the highest-risk areas of corruption for governments, promoting integrity in public procurement is crucial. Article 9.1 of the UNCAC emphasizes taking the necessary steps to establish appropriate systems of procurement, based on transparency,…

9th Regional Meeting for Europe, the US and Canada: Engaging the private sector in the fight against corruption and the UNCAC

16 October 2023 – The need to engage the private sector in the fight against corruption was repeatedly raised at the UNCAC Coalition’s Global Coalition Conference (GCC) held in June 2023. Several participants spoke about enhancing business ethics and changing…

New leadership roles for the UNCAC Coalition’s Board (CCC)

11 October 2023 – The UNCAC Coalition’s board – the Coalition Coordination Committee (CCC) – has elected new leadership roles for the next year. Gillian Dell (Honorary Member) will serve as Chair Samantha Feinstein (Government Accountability Project) and David Ugolor …

UNCAC Coalition invites new EU Network against corruption to raise the bar for transparency and civic participation in the EU’s anti-corruption efforts

9 October 2023 – by Ana Revuelta Alonso, Regional Coordinator for Europe The European Commission launched the highly-anticipated EU Network against corruption on the 20th of September during a day-long meeting in Brussels with over 100 participants. The UNCAC Coalition…

New Civil Society Report on Bangladesh: Legal framework in place, but poor implementation of UNCAC provisions exacerbates corruption

5 October 2023 – A recent report authored by Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) finds that the country has largely implemented the provisions of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) on a legal and institutional level, but requires more effort…

UNCAC Coalition trains civil society stakeholders on the UNCAC and its Review Mechanism at UNODC Multi-Stakeholder Workshop in Montenegro

2 October 2023 – How is civil society in the Western Balkans involved in the ongoing development of new anti-corruption strategies? How can we combat the phenomenon of state capture? What should be done when new corruption risks arise despite…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)