
Malaysia: Reform Now or Lose the People

Kuala Lumpur, 7 July 2015, Transparency International Malaysia. The recent revelation by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) that as much as US$700 million have been channelled directly to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s personal bank accounts is deeply shocking and…

Nigeria: How Buhari can take the profit out of corruption

7 July 2015, by Kolawole Olaniyan. President Muhammadu Buhari has rather wisely turned the spotlight on recovering stolen funds. The President recently confirmed that his government has “received firm assurances of cooperation from the U.S. and other countries on the…

Kuwait chapter of Transparency International under threat

11 June 2015, Transparency International. This post was originally published on the Transparency International website. Elected board replaced with government appointees: TI movement calls for its reinstatement Transparency International is calling for the reinstatement of the elected Board of Directors…

UNCAC Coalition and members sign letter to World Bank on corporate transparency

8 June 2015. Dr. Jim Yong Kim President, The World Bank 1818 H St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 Dear President Kim: We, the 107 undersigned civil society organizations, are writing you to urge the World Bank to increase the transparency…

Restitution of Abacha loot: who benefits from the crime?

Berlin, 2 June 2015. As Switzerland prepares to return to Nigeria US$380 million in Abacha family stolen assets that have been frozen in Luxembourg since 2006[1], the UNCAC Coalition is calling attention to the importance of asset repatriation being conducted…

Making UNCAC Work: Coalition Statement Ahead of the 6th Conference of States Parties in St. Petersburg

21 May 2015. Recalling that corruption weakens public institutions and the rule of law, damages the competitive and investment climate, jeopardizes sustainable development and fosters instability; furthermore, that it damages people’s sense of shared obligations and rights and creates an…

Public Statement on the Complicit Loot Repatriation Agreement Between the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Abacha Family

19 May 2015. Our Position and a Call for the Rejection of the Agreement by the UK, US, Swiss Governments and the International Community Introduction Transparency and accountability has remained a major problem besetting successive governments in Nigeria. For nearly…

Transparency International Statement to the 24th Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

12 May 2015. To the Commission: The injustice and inequity caused by corruption is well-known and multifaceted. Countering corruption and money laundering is essential to achieve sustainable development and stop the spread of organized crime. Enhancing accountability and transparency in…

How president-elect Buhari can achieve a fair deal for victims of corruption

9 May 2015, by Kolawole Olaniyan. Today the level of confidence in Nigeria is remarkably high, and president-elect General Muhammadu Buhari has been described by many as embodying ‘the promise of change’. Hardly surprising given that one of the reasons…

Civil society’s position on the review of Kenya’s implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption

7 May 2015. This post was originally published on the Transparency International Kenya website on 20 November 2014. In July 2013, Transparency International Kenya was among institutions appointed by the Attorney General to a 15-member National Steering Committee on the…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)