
Statement of NGO Alliance at the 8th UNTOC Conference of Parties

19 October 2016. Statement of the Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice on item 2 (b). Trafficking in Persons Protocol during the Eighth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations against Transnational Organized…

Corruption Media Monitoring Report

6 August 2016, Anti-Corruption Trust of Southern Africa. Overview of Reported Corruption and Other Significant Cases (1 to 5 August 2015) Introduction Cases of corruption, human rights abuses, mal-administration and bad governance are dominating the Zimbabwean media. A day hardly…

IJM Announces Deaths of Two Individuals Associated with its Kenya Operations Following Their June 23rd Disappearance

Washington, DC / Nairobi, 1 July 2016. With deep mourning, International Justice Mission (IJM) today announced that two individuals associated with the organization, including staff member, Willie Kimani, and taxi driver, Joseph Muiruri, were killed following their abduction in Nairobi…

Statement by Manzoor Hasan, UNCAC Coalition Chair, at the 2016 UNCAC Implementation Review Group Briefing for NGOs

Vienna, 23 June 2016. Chair, distinguished delegates: Good morning. Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today and thank you to UNODC for its informative presentation this morning. I am speaking on behalf of the UNCAC Coalition, a…

Statement by Gillian Dell, Transparency International, UNCAC Implementation Review Group Briefing for NGOs 2016

Vienna, 23 June 2016. Chair, distinguished delegates: Good morning. I would like to thank the UNCAC Implementation Review Group for the opportunity to speak to you today. Thanks also to UNODC for its informative presentation this morning and for facilitating…

Curbing grand corruption and money-laundering and increasing participation of civil society in anti-corruption efforts

9 June 2016, Transparency International. Although the consequences of corruption have been obvious for decades and led to the adoption of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), it often takes major scandals such as the Panama Papers leaks to produce…

Transparency International Statement to United Nations CCPCJ

Vienna, 25 May 2016. 25th Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Mr. Chair, distinguished delegates, thank you for the opportunity to speak here today. My name is Ádám Földes and I am speaking on behalf of…

U.S. commitments at U.K. Anti-Corruption Summit: More action is needed to tackle anonymous companies and the flow of corrupt proceeds into the U.S.

Washington DC, 12 May 2016, Transparency International USA. This post was originally published on the Transparency International website. Today the U.S. government released its action plan to tackle corruption at the international U.K Anti-Corruption Summit hosted by David Cameron. The…

Anti Corruption Summit – London 2016

London, 12 May 2016, UK Cabinet Office. The Anti Corruption Summit has, for the first time, brought world leaders, civil society, businesses, sports bodies and international organisations together to make fighting corruption a global priority. Over forty countries and six…

Vouliwatch Open Call for more transparency in the financial statements of Greek Members of Parliament

12 May 2016. The financial interest statements of MPs and MEPs were released today following a three year delay, along with the financial statements of those who are responsible for the finances of political parties. According to established practice these…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)