Gender, Inclusion & Corruption

The UNCAC Coalition’s Gender, Inclusion & Corruption working group seeks to:

  • Influence and inspire
  • Share ideas
  • Advocate for better data
  • Advocate for changes in international law, policy, and practice.
  • Create a space for discussion and debate

Please find here more information about the background, context, aims, and expected outputs and outcomes of the working group

Working Group Co-Chairs:

Monica Kirya,  Deputy Director, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center of the Chr. Michelsen Institute.

Matthew Gichohi,  researcher, Chr. Michelsen Institute.

In case you are interested in joining the working group, please fill out this form.  

If you have any questions, please contact us at 

The Working Group hosts a dedicated email discussion list as well as several coordination calls per year.

Next Working Group Meeting: 

Wednesday, 27 November, from 15:00-16:30 (Vienna time)

Please fill out these questionnaires to gather information regarding Sexual Corruption and the Intersection of Gender and Corruption.

The questionnaires will be used to build two individual unique, public and living databases. The findings of the questionnaires will be used to advance discussions, inform national and global advocacy efforts, and support evidence-based advocacy for the scaling of good practices.

Questionnaire on Sexual Corruption 

Questionnaire on the Intersection of Gender and Corruption

You can read more about the relaunch of the questionnaires in our blog post here.

Working Group Taskforces:

Sexual Corruption Legal Taskforce

  • Lead by: Laura Nyirinkindi, International Federation of Women Lawyers and Elin Bjarnegård,  Professor at the Department of Government, Uppsala University.

Gender and Corruption Data Taskforce

  • Lead by: Michele Coleman, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Mainstreaming Gender and Promoting Inclusion in Anti-Corruption Frameworks Taskforce

  • Lead by: Zakhona Mvelase, African Women Against Corruption Network.

Selected past activities and outputs on Gender, Inclusion & Corruption:

General readings

Sexual Corruption / Sextortion

Mainstreaming gender in the UNCAC and anti-corruption initiatives generally

Inclusion / intersectionality


UNCAC Coalition Guidelines and Etiquette
Please have a look at our Guidelines and Etiquette, which apply to all conversations and the exchange of information within this group and its email list. By being part of this group, you agree that you have read and will follow the guidelines set for the Gender, Inclusion & Corruption group and its email list.