Board Election for South Asia Regional Seat

last updated 7 January 2020 –

The seat on the UNCAC Coalition’s board (the Coalition Coordination Committee – short: CCC) representing the South Asia Region became vacant recently and the Coalition is holding a special election for that seat.

UNCAC Coalition member organisations from the region are eligible to run for the seat.

The term of the vacant seat ends in May/June 2022.

To apply, please fill out and submit the Candidate Nomination and Self-Nomination form (.docx).

Relevant documents and forms

Timeline of the election

  • Mon, 25 Jan 2021: nomination period ends
  • Wed, 27 Jan 2021: Instructions sent to members with information on the candidates and the next steps of the election procedure.
    Profiles of all candidates are published on the UNCAC Coalition website, a forum for questions and answers to candidates is provided 
  • Wed, 10 Feb 2021: Voting starts
  • Tue, 16 Feb 2021: Voting ends

Note: the timeline was revised to provide sufficient time to interested candidates to apply