Austria signs the UNCAC Coalition’s Transparency Pledge

14 January 2020 –

Ambassador Dr. Helmut Tichy, Head of the International Law Department, and Dr. Gerhard Thallinger, Head of the International Criminal Law Unit and UNCAC focal point of the Federal Ministry of Austria for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs holding up some of the Transparency Pledge principles at the Conference of the States Parties to the UNCAC in Abu Dhabi (December 2019)

In December 2019, Austria became the 19th country to sign the UNCAC Coalition’s Transparency Pledge, thus committing to the following six principles of transparency in the implementation review process of the UN Convention against Corruption:

  1. We will publish updated review schedules for our country review
  2. We will share information about the review institution or the coordinator (focal point)
  3. We will announce the completion of the country review indicating where the report can be found
  4. We will promptly post online the self-assessment and the full country report in a UN language, together with the executive summary in local languages
  5. We will organise civil society briefings and public debates about the findings of the report
  6. We will publicly support participation of civil society observers in UNCAC subsidiary bodies

Austria is currently undergoing the UNCAC review process by peer review countries Germany and Vietnam. See the country review documents as they are published here.

We hope to see more countries commit to the transparency principles by signing the Transparency Pledge.