Country: Croatia
Website: gong.hr/en
Focal Point: Oriana Ivković Novokmet, Executive Director
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Tel: +385 91 4825 464 (cell), +385 1 4825 444 (office land line)

Mission and vision

Active and responsible citizens, accountable public institutions and a society which is based on transparency, high level of citizens’ participation and continuous communication of citizens with their elected representatives, who gained public support in free, fair and transparent elections.

General description of the CSO work in the anti-corruption area

GONG influences anticorruption policy through: participation in governmental advisory bodies related to anticorruption and transparency (OGP); participation in public consultations; organization of public events; establishing contacts with relevant domestic and international stakeholders; and through ad-hoc public reactions on anticorruption matters, primarily dealing with political integrity and accountability of high-level politicians. GONG continuously conducts evidence-based advocacy in following areas: transparency, access to information, conflict of interest and ethics, lobbying, anticorruption policy, financing of political parties and election and referendum campaigns, integrity of the electoral process. GONG’s activities are aimed at the general public, local decision-makers and international stakeholders.

Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the UNCAC

GONG has yet to participate in UNCAC-related activities. The first UNCAC review cycle dealt with topics only loosely connected to GONG’s work, while the second cycle covers a large bulk of GONG’s current thematic scope and on-going advocacy and research activities (chapter II). GONG participated in the creation of the Strategy for Combatting Corruption which focuses on prevention of corruption. Existing operational anti-corruption plans and measures developed are yet reflect the importance of UNCAC. GONG representatives were also members of the Council for Open Government Partnership in charge of developing and monitoring the implementation of national action plans, as well as members of the National Council for Monitoring Anti-Corruption Strategy Implementation (a parliamentary body).

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)