– 22 March 2024 (updated 27 May)
The UNCAC Coalition is announcing the upcoming election of members of the Coalition’s Coordination Committee (CCC), our board, which oversees and strategically guides the work of the Coalition.
The candidacies we have received are accessible on this page (password protected and only accessible to our community).
The following board seats are up for election:
- Americas Seat
- Europe Regional Seat 1
- South Asia Regional Seat
- Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Seat 1
- International Member Organisation Seat 1
- Individual Member Seat
A board seat can be held for two consecutive terms. The board members currently holding the regional seats for the Americas, Europe, and South-Asia and representing International NGOs are concluding their second term and are not eligible to run for another consecutive term.
Relevant documents and forms
Please see the below documents, in particular, if you are considering a candidacy:
- Candidate Nomination and Self-Nomination form 2024 (.docx)
- CCC Election Rules of procedure (.pdf)
- Roles and Responsibilities of CCC members and board leadership
- Profiles of current CCC members
- Summaries of CCC calls (from March 2023)
- List of UNCAC Coalition member organizations (extraordinary member organizations and affiliate organizations cannot participate in the election)
- Coalition governance page with Charter
Timeline of the election 2024
Thur, 4 April: The nomination period starts
Wed, 22 May: Deadline for submission of nominations
Fri, 24 May: Profiles of candidates are published on the UNCAC Coalition website
Wed, 5 June – Wed, 12 June: Voting open (via digital balloting). Instructions on the voting are sent to members via email, and details on the candidates are also available on the voting platform.
The CCC reserves the right to modify the schedule in case of necessity.
Important notes on voting and nominations
- Candidates may be self-nominated or nominated by other Members, with the agreement of the nominated candidate.
- Candidates can only be accepted for the category in which they are members (according to region, organization, or individual membership).
To nominate for a seat, candidates must provide the completed candidacy form, including a disclosure of interests. The Vienna Hub office will share the profiles of all candidates via email to Members only.
Only ordinary member organizations are eligible to run and vote in elections – extraordinary member organizations cannot participate.
The election rules are outlined in these Rules of Procedure.
Once all nominations have been received, the Vienna Hub team, on behalf of the CCC, will prepare a digital ballot paper. We will use Election Buddy, an anonymous digital voting platform.
Should you have any questions about the election process, please do not hesitate to contact the Vienna Hub team at info@uncaccoalition.org.