Country: Republic of Macedonia
Focal Point: Misha Popovikj, Senior Researcher
Tel: +38971 211 439
Mission and vision
Our vision is to make Macedonia a highly developed democracy with free and active citizens and to support the development of democratic processes through the promotion of policy making based on research, analysis and consultation with stakeholders.
General description of the CSO work in the anti-corruption area
IDSCS is part of the Macedonia Platform of CSOs for Anti-Corruption and the SELDI network. As part of both networks, as well as individually, IDSCS implements the following activities: studying the efficacy of corruption reporting mechanisms and demographics of corruption, assessment of corruption risks, training for students and young journalists on corruption and research tools, participating in the anti-corruption working group of the Open Government Partnership, initiating activities within the platform and spreading awareness (including in regional policy forums; presentation in the media).
Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the UNCAC
IDSCS participated in drafting a corruption assessment report for 2016 that analyses the distribution of corruption within the society, and the state of play. IDSCS was a member of a CSO network for the prevention of spoils and conflict of interest in the public administration. This was a network of 18 civil society organizations with a strategic focus on the prevention of conflict of interests at national and local levels. The Network prepared a total of 15 monitoring reports on conflict of interests and corruption at the local level, 4 public opinion survey reports on good governance and EU integration issues and conducted 20 public debates across the country on good governance issues.
Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the review mechanism of the UNCAC
IDSCS, as a member of the Macedonia Platform of CSOs for Anti-Corruption participated in a letter to the Government asking it to make the UNCAC review process transparent. Within the same platform, IDSCS has plans to initiate activities that will mirror the process of assessment of the implementation of UNCAC.