Country: Timor Leste
Focal Point: Laurentino Alves, Co-founder and Executive Director
Tel: +67078451793 / +67077273514
Mission and vision
Promoting public transparency and accountability by enhancing youth participation in public policy including community empowerment. Working together with society and all national institutions, municipalities as well as villages to promote capacity, ability, youth leadership integrity and community, including promoting transparency, accountability and strengthening spirit to fight against corruption, collusion and nepotism.
General description of the CSO work in governance and anti-corruption area
As a new of civil society organization (CSOs) was established in 2016, that we focus on Monitoring, Research, Advocacy and Campaign. In specialist on Public Policy Fiscal Reform, the project and activities Youth Vision of Development was involved in regional level as members of Asia Pacific Tax Justice one year ago (July 2017) in Bali, Denpasar, Indonesia and then we also involve as member of Open Partnership Government (OGP).
In national level Youth Vision of Development (YVoD) was become as one of important civil society with involved in Stakeholders of National Ocean Policy (NOP) which lead by general directorate of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), also as members in stakeholders on Fisheries Zero draft of Fisheries law and next step as first draft of Fisheries law.
In process of guarantee the transparency and accountability YVoD conducted monitoring, research and advocacy on General State Budget execution, community meeting, the target of beneficiary is Youth male & female, local leaders and community in Municipalities and rural area, so that by the intervention with public opinion publication on national newspaper (Timor Post, STL and Diario Nasional) and also publishing in media social Facebook on Youth Vision of Development page group.
Specific description of the CSO work in connection with the UNCAC
In consisting and manner in terms of dynamic organization is implementation activities in connection with the UNCAC is “monitoring on Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) legal law, assisting of Anti-corruption working achievement to measure the indicator as output of advocacy to reducing the Corruption number of achievement in the region and global level.
During one year YVoD 2016-2017, we achieved indicators on public opinion publication is four (4) and as a source of information with interviewed by media newspaper, which compile directly publish by local newspaper Timor Post, STL, Diario Nasional. Included in social media Facebook site Youth Vision of development group members. Related our publishing currently our website is still in developing, but if all of you want to access the information about our information notice, please linked to blog site and Facebook which mentioned in above.
Other remarks
The important point which consider as achievement is Youth Vision of Development actively involved in the regional and national Multi stakeholders groups. And then also the resource of YVoD became as board member for national and local NGOs at national and Municipality level. Currently I became as Board member for Knua Haberan Comunidade (KHC), is one of local NGO at Viqueque Municipality in eastern part of Timor Leste.