Country: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam
Focal Point: Saowalak Jingjungvisut, Partnerships and Communications Manager
Tel: +66 (0)61 619 5097
Mission and vision
EWMI’s Open Development Initiative manages a regional open data platform called the Open Development Mekong, aiming to make data and objective information accessible and useful to all people in the lower Mekong region.
General description of the CSO work in governance and anti-corruption area
Open Development Mekong and its network platforms in 5 countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam) provide data that is open, accessible, user friendly and interoperable. The platform contributes to the creation of an information ecosystem with a multi-pronged approach that provides open data but also raises the awareness on the use of open data in CSO work in governance and anti-corruption areas. The data provided is diverse, allowing users to examine development trends across thematic areas, while also highlighting gaps, biases and inaccuracies within data. This leads to broader discussion on how to apply data and information to improve lives and sustainable development.
Specific description of the CSO work in connection with the UNCAC
Open Development Mekong and its network platforms are keen to support resources, datasets and mapping tools to make people understand and visualise the current situation and comparative changes in the Mekong region. It is crucial to make use of open data to inform the public on the national governance system and anti-corruption activities, as well as provide a platform that anyone can access, use, and share relevant data to in order to advance transparency.
EWMI attended a CSO roundtable on fast-tracking the implementation of the UNCAC in December 2018 in Bangkok.