Country: Malaysia
Focal Point: Mark Chay, Executive Director
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Tel: +6012 2898 170
Mission and vision
To champion business integrity and combat corruption in both the marketplace and educational institutions by engaging with the government of the day.
General description of the CSO work in governance and anti-corruption area
We have been conducting corporate training seminars, both public and in-house, on good governance and business integrity in the corporate sector. Additionally, we have done some training and talks in private schools and universities on integrity, business code of conduct and sustainability. Moreover, and in collaboration with foreign business councils and chambers of commerce, we delivered expert talks on the upcoming corporate liability legislation and ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System.
Specific description of the CSO work in connection with the UNCAC
Under the old regime, we attempted to engage with the MACC (Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission) on specific areas under UNCAC but to no avail. Our founders were part of the team together with the Bar Council and other NGOs in drafting a proposed amendment to the MACC Act, but was not taken seriously by the authorities then. However, following the general elections in May, we started to seek appointment with the Law Minister for positive engagement in eradicating corruption.