Jaringan Pemantau Independen Kehutanan / Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK)

Country: Indonesia
Website: www.jpik.or.id
Focal Point: Dhio Teguh FERDYAN, Forest Researcher
Email: jpikmail@gmail.com
Tel: +62 81374139842

Mission and vision

JPIK’s vision is the realization of good, fair and sustainable forest governance that is guaranteed through independent monitoring. Its mission is to manage the network of independent forestry monitoring organizations, to carry out independent monitoring, to promote accountable forest governance that addresses the problem of deforestation, including through the process and the monitoring of results of forest certification.

General description of the CSO work in governance and anti-corruption area

Since 2013, JPIK and Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) have worked to advance the public disclosure of data and information, especially information on forest governance. JPIK believes that access to data and information and public scrutiny is key to improving the management and governance of forests. The organisations see the general public as the main beneficiaries of their work. They also work closely with other civil society organisations that focus on forest governance and with indigenous communities that focus on protecting their forests. JPIK and FWI submitted a dispute to the Central Information Commission which requested the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) to provide public access to data and information that had not been open.

Specific description of the CSO work in connection with the UNCAC

JPIK and FWI were involved in the discussion on preparation of an action plan for the prevention and eradication of corruption within the MoEF in 2013-2014, this action plan will be used for the preparation of strategic plans contained in Presidential Instruction No 5/2004 concerning the Acceleration of Corruption Eradication. JPIK also engages with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) regarding the handling of forestry crime cases involving corruption in the licensing process. JPIK was also involved in a meeting with other CSO coalitions, providing input related to creating national movement to save and protect natural resources.

JPIK attended a CSO roundtable on fast-tracking the implementation of the UNCAC in December 2018 in Bangkok.

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)