Country: Chile
Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Head of Organisation: Ximena Erazo Latorre, President
Telephone number: +56 2 2205 5179
Languages: Español, English
Description of the NGO’s work in the prevention of and the fight against corruption
Our foundation focuses on providing educational diplomas to students in different human rights areas. We currently offer 21 different diplomatic courses throughout the year, with one of them being “Human Rights, Transparency and Public Policies against Corruption”. This being said, our UNCAC related work would be preventative measures. The general objective of this course is as stated:
“Build a perspective that articulates concepts, principles and legal instruments relevant to International Human Rights Law and scientific aspects, cultural, economic and social that build the knowledge base on Human Rights, Transparency and Public Policies against Corruption, in order to re-address prevention strategies and policies and combating corruption in order to ensure the realization of the right to transparency as a constituent element in the fight against corruption and the realization of human rights.”
The program consists of 476 pedagogical hours taught in a semi-traditional classroom setting with a distance learning aspect. The program includes aspects such as recognizing corruption and learning how to maintain transparency democratically. The target beneficiaries of our work are officials from both public and private sectors who are for the most part from Chile.
The organisation’s work linked with the UNCACC
We advocate for transparency and anti-corruption measures through education.