
An Open Letter from GOPAC to the UK Prime Minister

11 May 2016. Dear Prime Minister Cameron, We are writing on behalf of parliamentarians from around the world and from across Britain’s political parties, to make a common appeal to you, as we prepare for the AntiCorruption Summit you are…

Letter to Commissioner Hill: Impact assessment on corporate tax transparency and introducing public country-by-country reporting (CBCR) for all sectors

8 April 2016. Commissioner Jonathan Hill European Commission Brussels Belgium Dear Commissioner Jonathan Hill, Ahead of the vote on the European Commission’s proposal on public tax transparency by the College of Commissioners on April 12th, we wish to highlight the…

ANEEJ Wants FG to investigate Nigerians indicted in the Panama Corruption Revelation

Benin City, Nigeria, 6 April 2016. Following the global outrage that have trailed the startling revelations in the Panama Papers of financial corruption around the globe, the Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) an anti-corruption watchdog has called…

Transparency International-USA calls for greater transparency of anonymous companies in the United States following the massive Panama Papers leak

Washington DC, 4 April 2016. The massive leak of 11.5 million files dubbed the “Panama Papers” highlight the vulnerability of the global financial system and showcase how easy it is for public officials to use anonymous companies to hide their…

Massive Leak of Secret Documents from Panamanian Firm Reveal Movement of Billions of Dollars in Suspect Transactions

Washington, DC, 3 April 2016, Global Financial Integrity. This post was originally published on the Global Financial Integrity website. Panama Papers Show How World Leaders, Celebrities, Wealthy Individuals and Even Governments Use and Abuse Secrecy Jurisdictions of Global Shadow Financial…

Letter to OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria: Global Standards for Corporate Settlements in Foreign Bribery Cases

11 March 2016. Dear Secretary General Gurría, We are writing to you in the run up to the OECD Anti-Bribery Ministerial meeting in Paris on 16 March 2016, with proposals on settlements for your consideration. At the outset, we would…

Obasanjo, Yar'Adua, Jonathan governments must account for all recovered loot – Court

Lagos, Nigeria, 1 March 2016, SERAP. The Federal High Court sitting in Lagos in a landmark judgment has held that successive governments since the return of democracy in 1999 “breached the fundamental principles of transparency and accountability for failing to…

$2.1 billion arms deal: Key questions Jonathan must answer

Lagos, 10 January 2016, SERAP. Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has sent an open letter to former President Goodluck Jonathan seeking explanations from him on “what you knew or had reason to know on the apparent diversion and sharing…

The UN Convention against Corruption and civil society: Taking stock after ten years

14 December 2015, by Charmaine Rodrigues. This post was originally published on the Transparency International website. Ashraf Rifi, Lebanese Minister of Justice (2nd from left) and Miklos Marschall, deputy managing director of Transparency International shake hands on the UNCAC Review…

International Anti-Corruption Day: It’s time to pledge!

9 December 2015. The UNCAC Coalition calls on all countries to demonstrate their support for transparency and civil society participation in addressing corruption by making a transparency pledge. A growing number of countries around the world have already joined the…

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)