UNCAC Coalition –
Association for the Implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption
ZVR 450149560 (Central Austrian Association Registry)
Sensengasse 4, Top 4
1090 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 (0) 660 705 1279
Austria has granted the UNCAC Coalition the status of an “International Non-Governmental Organization” in accordance with §§15 and 16 of the Amtssitzgesetz.
Represented by (Vertreten durch):
Mathias Huter, Managing Director (Geschäftsführer),
Board leadership (Vorstand):
Gillian Dell, Co-Chair
David Ugolor, Co-Chair
Wajdi Belloumi, Vice-Chair
Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Vice-Chair
The UNCAC Coalition is an independent non-profit association, representing a global network of civil society organisations committed to advancing the monitoring and implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).
Austria has granted the UNCAC Coalition the status of an “International Non-Governmental Organization” in accordance with §§15 and 16 of the Amtssitzgesetz.
- The UNCAC Coalition is not affiliated with the United Nations.
- The UNCAC Coalition does not investigate possible corruption cases. Please direct any whistleblower reports and information about alleged corrupt acts or other wrongdoing to the competent law-enforcement bodies, anti-corruption authorities or specialized non-governmental organizations in your country.
Vienna Hub
The Coalition’s office is located at:
Sensengasse 4, Top 4
1090 Vienna
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