What can you do?

Effective anti-corruption work demands efforts not only from governments but also from civil society organisations (CSOs), the private sector and the greater public. The need for civil society participation in efforts to prevent and counter corruption and the importance of public access to information are explicitly recognised in Article 13 of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).

This is a critical time for the UNCAC following the launch in July 2010 of its Mechanism for Review of Implementation that was agreed upon in November 2009 by the Conference of States Parties. The UNCAC Coalition is calling for worldwide advocacy and action by civil society organisations to ensure that the public can participate meaningfully in the process.

Are you interested in playing a role? If so you may want to take one of the following steps:

Join the UNCAC Coalition

By joining this global Coalition you will become a part of coordinated civil society action against corruption, joining forces across borders.

Registered members can participate in the Coalition forum, write blog posts, contribute to the newsletter, exchange ideas with other members and gain easier access to documents and information about training opportunities. They can also vote to elect the Coalition Coordination Committee.

Get involved in the UNCAC review process

Transparency, accountability and civil society participation are key to the success of the UNCAC review process.

  • If your country has not ratified the UNCAC, you can start by promoting UNCAC ratification and implementation. Wherever possible, work together with other national CSOs and the private sector.
  • If your country has ratified the UNCAC, you can monitor and advocate for the full implementation of the Convention in your country and contribute your findings to the official intergovernmental UNCAC review process. Find more information about the review process here.

Be active online with the Coalition

Share your experiences and ideas with other Coalition members. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Join one of our five thematic working groups. Learn more about these groups and how to join here.
  • Contribute articles to the Coalition newsletter. This contains the latest developments about UNCAC and the review process, about anti-corruption efforts at national and global levels and about the work of Coalition member organizations and individuals. You can email your article to info@uncaccoalition.org
  • Post on the Coalition blog. Send your contributions to info@uncaccoalition.org
  • Write an article for the website. If you want to make a call for joint action, share experiences on anti-corruption activism in your country, or tell us about the work being done by your organisation, the Coalition website is a great way to share this. You can email your article to info@uncaccoalition.org

If you are a business, please join the UN Global Compact

Private companies, for-profit organisations and private sector associations are not eligible to join the Coalition but can show their support for countering corruption by signing up to the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative.

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)