Side event at the 2nd Preparatory Committee Session of the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4):
“Building a North-South Consensus on New Approaches to Safeguarding Development Financing from Corruption”
Organizers: Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) and the Government of Switzerland
Co-Organizers: UNCAC Coalition, Open Contracting Partnership and Transparency International
When: Wednesday, 4 December 2024, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm ET
Where: United Nations Headquarters New York, Secretariat Building, Room S15-19
Hybrid Event – Join on MS Teams through this link
Opening Remarks:
Nicole Ruder, Assistant Director General of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Head of the Multilateral Affairs and NGO Division, Government of Switzerland
Mauricio Reza Bautista, Delegate 3rd Committee, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the UN
David Ugolor, Executive Director, ANEEJ and Co-Chair, UNCAC Coalition
Kristen Robinson, Head of Advocacy, Open Contracting Partnership
Jason Braganza, Executive Director, AFRODAD
Karin Adams, Global Advocacy Coordinator, Transparency International
Corinna Gilfillan, Senior Analyst, UNCAC Coalition
Event outline:
The event will bring together voices from governmental institutions and civil society organizations, and from diverse regions, to discuss how we can work together to scale, iterate and replicate solutions that work to build a global approach to integrity in lending, public spending and asset return.
The discussion will offer valuable insights and actionable recommendations for stakeholders committed to achieving the SDGs through transparent and accountable development financing systems. We will explore the roles of governments, NGOs, and the private sector, as well as the responsibilities of both donors and local implementers, in safeguarding development financing and fostering trust, incorporating perspectives from both the Global North and Global South.
Opening Remarks will be delivered by the Assistant Director General of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Panellists will include ANEEJ, Open Contracting Partnership, Transparency International and AFRODAD. Moderation will be ensured by the UNCAC Coalition.

Corruption is a systemic challenge for the international financing system, undermining development effectiveness and negatively affecting all countries. Too often, Global North and Global South perspectives and proposed solutions to enhancing transparency and accountability have been at odds. Additionally, gaps in capacity and technology capabilities are seen as a barrier to progress.
However, in the 10 years since the last FFD Conference, we can build on successful examples from the North and South to mobilize and safeguard funds for development through international cooperation, for instance in integrity in public spending and in asset recovery.
With a balance of South and North voices, this side event will showcase contributions of civil society organizations in safeguarding development financing, in areas such as transparency and integrity in public procurement, monitoring asset recovery and return processes, combating illicit financial flows, promoting transparency in debt, among others. We will collectively reflect on promising elements of the Elements Paper and share actionable ideas to enhance anti-corruption, transparency, and civil society participation in global financing for development efforts. Furthermore, we will share lessons on how to scale and safeguard funds and assets to help advance the Sustainable Development Goals.