Country |
Organisation |
International |
- Access Info Europe
- African Institute of Corporate Citizenship (AICC)
- Amnesty International
- Anti Slavery International
- Arab Freedom of Information Network (AFOINET)Article 13 Coalition for the Arab World
- Article 19Building and Woodworkers International
- Caux Round Table (CRT)
- Christian Aid
- Christian Reformed World Relief Committee
- Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
- Commonwealth Lawyers’ Association
- Concern Worldwide
- European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad)
- European Youth Forum
- Financial Intelligence Council
- GAATW – Global Alliance against Traffic in Women
- Globethics
- Global Witness
- Greenpeace International
- HELIO International
- Human Rights Watch
- IANSA – International Action Network on Small Arms
- International Federation of Journalists
- International Law Association, UK
- Islamic Relief Worldwide
- Open Society Initiative
- Publish What You Fund
- Oxfam International
- Tax Justice Network
- Tiri
- Transparency International
- Trocaire
- UNCORN (Global Unions Anti-corruption Network)
- Voluntary Service Overseas
- World Vision International
Albania |
Center for Development and Democratization of Institutions |
Algeria |
- Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights (LADDH)
- Syndicat National Autonome des Personnels de l’Administration Publique (SNAPAP)
- Stop Corruption
Argentina |
- Poder Ciudadano
- Fundacion Mujeres en Igualdad
- CEDHA (Centro de Derechos Humanos y Ambiente)
- ACIJ – Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia
Armenia |
TI Armenia |
Australia |
- Act for Peace, National Council of Churches in Australia
- Australian Council for International Development
- Caritas Australia
- Churches of Christ Australia
- Financial Sector Union Australia
- CNEC Partners International
- Make Poverty History Australia
- Micah Challenge Australia
- TI Australia
- Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania
- Uniting Justice Australia, Uniting Church in Australia
- World Vision Australia
- Australian Council of Trade Unions
- Mitigating Endemic Democratic Problems
Austria |
TI Austria |
Azerbaijan |
- TI Azerbaijan
- NGOs for Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
Bahrain |
Bahrain Transparency Society |
Bangladesh |
- TI Bangladesh
- Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
- Institute of Governance Studies, BRAC University
- Supro
- Voice
Belgium |
TI Belgium |
Benin |
Community Research and Development Centre (CREDC) |
Bolivia |
Transparencia Bolivia |
Brasil |
- IFC – Instituto de Fiscalização
- INESC – Instituto de Estudos Socioeconômicos
- Transparencia Brasil
Bulgaria |
- Access to Information Programme
- TI Bulgaria
Burundi |
- Association burundaise des consommateurs (ABUCO)
- Association Burundaise pour la Defense des Droits des Prisionniers
- Association Dushirehamwe
- Centre Ubuntu
- Human Health Aid – Burundi
- Positive Women Muslim Network
Cameroon |
- Fondation Humanus
- FEEDAR & HR Federation of Environmental and Ecological Diversity for Agricultural Revampment and Human Rights
- TI Cameroon
- Global Network for Good Governance
Canada |
- Canadians for Accountability
- FAIR (Federal Accountability Initiative for Reform)
- TI Canada
Chile |
- Fundacion Pro Acceso
- Chile Transparente
Colombia |
- Transparencia por Colombia
Croatia |
Partnership for Social Development |
Czech Republic |
- TI Czech Republic
- Deti Zeme (Children of the Earth)
Denmark |
TI Denmark |
Dominican Republic |
Participacion Ciudadana |
East Timor |
Luta Hamutuk Institute |
Egypt |
- Afro-Egyptian Human Rights Organization (AEHRO)
- Egyptian Democratic Institut
- Egyptians against Corruption
- Elhak the Center for Democracy and Human Rights
- Forum for Development and Human Rights Dialogue
- Mothers Association for Rights & Development (MARD)
Estonia |
- TI Estonia
- Estonian National Youth Council
- Tallin University of Technology
- Põlva Central Library
Finland |
TI Finland |
France |
- Amis de la Terre – France
- Amnesty International – France
- CCFD-Terre solidaire
- Integrity International
- Oxfam France
- SEL -Service d´Entraide et de Liaison
- Survie
- TI France
- Vision du Monde
Germany |
- TI Germany
- Die Johanniter
- Fo-Kus. e.V
Georgia |
- Georgia Young Lawyers Association
- Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC)
- TI Georgia
- Green Alternative
Greece |
TI Greece |
Ghana |
West Africa Action Network on Small Arms |
Guatemala |
Accion Ciudadana |
Guinea |
- Association Femmes et Actions pour le Developpement
- Association Guinéenne pour la Transparence
- Stat View International
Guyana |
Association of Concern Guyanese |
Haiti |
Fondation Heritage Haiti |
Hungary |
- TI Hungary
- Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights
- Civil Society Development Foundation
- Afrika Platform
- K-Monitor
India |
- Centre for Applied Sociology
- Pragati Koraput
- Social Watch India
- TI India
- Women Power Connect
- CECODECON Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society
- Self Imposed Vigilance for Good Governance
Indonesia |
- Partnership for Governance Reform
- TI Indonesia
- INFID -International NGO Forum on International Development
- TIFA Foundation
- Indonesia Corruption Watch
- Indonesia Human Rights Monitor
Iraq |
- Almonqith
- Baghdad Centre For Human Rights
- Change org.
- City Association
- Culture and Peace Association
- Development Without Borders Institution (DWBI)
- Farmer Association
- For Accountability Org.
- For Our life Society
- General Student Association, Tikrit
- Humanitarian Organization for Democracy
- Iraq without Corruption
- Iraqi Al-Amal Association
- Iraqi Centre for Transparency & Anti-Corruption
- Iraqi Disability Association
- Iraqi Integrity Organisation
- Iraqi media Forum
- Iraqi NGOs for Integrity
- Iraqi Organisation for Human Rights
- Iraqi Research Centre
- Iraqi Women Anti-Corruption
- Iraqi Women Farmers Society
- Missan Oil Worker Association
- Movement for Good Govenance
- Nation is First Association
- Peace and Democracy Society
- Shauub for Democracy
- Tamooz Organisation, Mosul
- Women for Democracy
- Women’s Rights Defense
- Worker Women Organisation
Ireland |
- CORI Justice
- Irish Congress of Trade Unions
- TI Ireland
- Debt and Development Coalition
- Dublin City University
Israel |
- Movement for Freedom of Information in Israel
- Movement for Quality Government in Israel
- Oggen
- OMETZ – Citizens for Social & Legal Justice
- The Association for Civil Rights in Israel
- TI Israel
- Empowerment and Training Center for Social Change
Italy |
TI Italy |
Jamaica |
Jamaicans for Justice |
Japan |
TI Japan |
Jordan |
Jordan Transparency Association (JTA) |
Kazahkstan |
TI Kazahkstan |
Kenya |
- Africa Centre for Open Governance (AfriCOG)
- Social Development Network
- TI Kenya
- Youth Alive! Kenya
Kyrgyzstan |
- TI Kyrgyzstan
- Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan
Kuwait |
Kuwait Transparency Society |
Latvia |
- Resource Center for Women “Marta”
- TI Latvia
Lebanon |
Lebanese Transparency Association (LTA) |
Liberia |
Actions for Genuine Democratic Alternatives (AGENDA) |
Lithuania |
TI Lithuania |
Luxemburg |
Association Pour la Promotion de la Transparence asbl (APPT) |
Macedonia |
- Transparentnost Macedonia
- Sveti Nicole Women´s Association
- Foundation Open Society Institute – Macedonia
- Youth Educational Forum from Macedonia (YEF)
Malaysia |
TI Malaysia |
Mauritius |
TI Mauritius |
Mexico |
- Equipo Pueblo A.C
- Transparencia Mexicana
- Global Campaign against Poverty – Mexico
Moldova |
TI Moldova |
Montenegro |
Affirmation of NGO Sector – MANS |
Morocco |
- Transparency Maroc
- Instance Nationale de Protection de Biens Publics au Maroc
Nepal |
- Citizens’ Campaign for Right to Information (CCRI) Nepal
- Journalists Group against Corruption-Nepal
Netherlands |
- TI Netherlands
- Federated Netherlands Labour Movement
- India Committee of the Netherlands
Netherlands – Aruba |
Rainbow Warriors Core Foundation |
Nicaragua |
Etica y Transparencia |
Nigeria |
- African Youth Empowerment-Nigeria (AYEN)
- Blossom Nigeria Projects
- Development Projects and Innovations Centre (DevPro)
- Independent Advocacy Project
- Media Rights Agenda
- Movement for Good Governance Organisation
- Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
- Public and Private Development Centre
- Research and Training for Real Empowerment
- Socio-Economic Rights & Accountability Project (SERAP)
- Teditransparency and Economic Development Initiative
- Women’s Right to Education Programme (WREP)
- Zero Corruption Coalition
Norway |
Christian Michelsen Institute |
Pakistan |
- TI Pakistan
- Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI)
- Sahkar Social Welfare Association (SSWA)
- Society for The Empowerment of People-STEP
- GINI -Governance Institutions Network international
Palestine |
- AMAN – Coalition for Integrity and Accountability
- Gaza Community Mental Health Program
Peru |
- Forum Solidaridad Peru
- Grupo de Trabajo Contra la Corrupción (GTCC)
- Instituto de Defensa Legal
- Observatorio de la Vigilancia Social – OBSERVA
- ProeticaAsociación Nacional de Periodistas
Philippines |
- Coalition against Corruption
- Evelio B. Javier Foundation
- Public Services Labor Independent Confederation (PSLINK)
- Transparency and Accountability Network
- TI Philippines
- Ummah Fi Salam
- Workers Assistance Center
- PMP National Secratariat
- Philippine Alliance of Human Rights
- Workers Assistance Center, Inc.
Portugal |
- Micah Challenge Portugal
- Associação Portuguesa de Ética Empresarial
Romania |
- TI Romania
- Professional Association of Lawyers
- National Trade Union Confederation “Cartel ALFA”
- Trade Union “Elie Radu”
Rwanda |
TI Rwanda |
Senegal |
Serbia |
TI Serbia |
Singapore |
Maruah |
Slovenia |
Integriteta – Association for Ethics in Public Service |
South Africa |
- Ethics Institute of South Africa
- Open Democracy Advice Centre (ODAC)
- Institute for Security Studies- Corruption & Governance Programme
South Korea |
- TI Korea
- Heungsadan (Young Korean Academy) Transparency Movement
Spain |
Sweden |
- TI Sweden
- Amnesty International-Sweden
Switzerland |
- Aktion Finanzplatz Schweiz
- Alliance Sud
- Basel Institute on Governance
- Bread for all
- InterAction
- TI Switzerland
Taiwan |
TI Chinese Taipei |
Trinidad & Tobago |
TI Trinidad & Tobago |
Turkey |
TI Turkey |
Uganda |
- Water Governance Institute
United Kingdom |
- ATTAC – Jersey Islands
- BOND -UK Network of British International Development NGOs
- British Institute for International and Comparative Law
- Protimos
- Rights and Accountability in Development
- Tearfund
- TI United Kingdom
- The Corner House
- World Vision UK
- World Wildlife Fund UK
- Trades Union Congress
United States |
- Global Financial Integrity
- Global Accountability Project
- National Whistleblowers Center
- Project on Government Oversight
- The Jus Semper Global Alliance
- GAP Government Accountability Project
- Isolon Research Institute
Venezuela |
- Accion Solidaria
- Espacio Publico
- Instituto Prensa y Sociedad – Venezuela
- INVESP -Instituto Venezolano de Estudios Sociales y Politicos
- Pro Acceso Venezuela
- Control Ciudadano
- TI Venezuela
- Provea
- Observatorio Hannah Arent A.C
Zambia |
- TI Zambia
- ZYAFAC – Zambia Youths Association in the Fight Against Corruption
- Citizens Forum
- JCTR – Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection
- NYACM – National Youth Anti-Corruption Movement
Zimbabwe |
- Human Rights and Development Trust of Southern Africa (HURIDETSA)
- TI Zimbabwe