9 November 2009.
Number of countries: 95
Number of organisations: 356
Some of the organisations listed below are not Coalition members, as membership is not required to support the statement.
Country | Organisation |
International |
Albania | Center for Development and Democratization of Institutions |
Algeria |
Argentina |
Armenia | TI Armenia |
Australia |
Austria | TI Austria |
Azerbaijan |
Bahrain | Bahrain Transparency Society |
Bangladesh |
Belgium | TI Belgium |
Benin | Community Research and Development Centre (CREDC) |
Bolivia | Transparencia Bolivia |
Brasil |
Bulgaria |
Burundi |
Cameroon |
Canada |
Chile |
Colombia |
Croatia | Partnership for Social Development |
Czech Republic |
Denmark | TI Denmark |
Dominican Republic | Participacion Ciudadana |
East Timor | Luta Hamutuk Institute |
Egypt |
Estonia |
Finland | TI Finland |
France |
Germany |
Georgia |
Greece | TI Greece |
Ghana | West Africa Action Network on Small Arms |
Guatemala | Accion Ciudadana |
Guinea |
Guyana | Association of Concern Guyanese |
Haiti | Fondation Heritage Haiti |
Hungary |
India |
Indonesia |
Iraq |
Ireland |
Israel |
Italy | TI Italy |
Jamaica | Jamaicans for Justice |
Japan | TI Japan |
Jordan | Jordan Transparency Association (JTA) |
Kazahkstan | TI Kazahkstan |
Kenya |
Kyrgyzstan |
Kuwait | Kuwait Transparency Society |
Latvia |
Lebanon | Lebanese Transparency Association (LTA) |
Liberia | Actions for Genuine Democratic Alternatives (AGENDA) |
Lithuania | TI Lithuania |
Luxemburg | Association Pour la Promotion de la Transparence asbl (APPT) |
Macedonia |
Malaysia | TI Malaysia |
Mauritius | TI Mauritius |
Mexico |
Moldova | TI Moldova |
Montenegro | Affirmation of NGO Sector – MANS |
Morocco |
Nepal |
Netherlands |
Netherlands – Aruba | Rainbow Warriors Core Foundation |
Nicaragua | Etica y Transparencia |
Nigeria |
Norway | Christian Michelsen Institute |
Pakistan |
Palestine |
Peru |
Philippines |
Portugal |
Romania |
Rwanda | TI Rwanda |
Senegal |
Serbia | TI Serbia |
Singapore | Maruah |
Slovenia | Integriteta – Association for Ethics in Public Service |
South Africa |
South Korea |
Spain |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
Taiwan | TI Chinese Taipei |
Trinidad & Tobago | TI Trinidad & Tobago |
Turkey | TI Turkey |
Uganda |
United Kingdom |
United States |
Venezuela |
Zambia |
Zimbabwe |