The following guidelines apply to the UNCAC Coalition's listserv, which is accessible to UNCAC Coalition members, as well as to any email lists and groups hosted by the Coalition.
Thank you for being part of our Listserv community!
The Listserv is intended to serve as a useful forum for the free and positive exchange of information between members. To ensure the best possible experience for all Listserv members, we have established some basic guidelines for participation.
We will periodically circulate this document as a friendly reminder for experienced users and to assist newer users. The guidelines will also be posted on the UNCAC Coalition website.
By using this e-mail list, you agree that you have read and will follow the guidelines set for this Listserv.
Listserv Guidelines
- Professional, respectful language is expected in Listserv posts. Defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal text or language is strictly prohibited.
- Do not attack others. The Listserv is meant to stimulate exchange of information and conversation, not to create contention. Flaming includes the making of derogatory comments, ridicule, excessive sarcasm and innuendo.
- Commercial messages are not permitted; this does not include sharing materials that your organization and others produce.
- Please only share news, press releases and statements of your organisation if they are relevant for larger audiences beyond your country.
- Please treat information send on the list confidentially if the information is otherwise not in the public domain. This facilitates open and frank discussions among civil society groups.
- We ask you to use common sense: if you are not sure if and how you are allowed to share information obtained through the list, it's best to double-check with the person who sent it.
Listserv Etiquette
- Include a signature tag on all messages: Include your name, affiliation, location, and e-mail address.
- Only send a message to the entire list when it contains information that benefits everyone. To send a message to a person who has circulated a message, just hit the Reply button and not the Reply All button.
- Send messages such as "thanks for the information" or "me, too" to individuals, not to the entire list.
- Do not send administrative messages, such as "remove me from the list", through the listserv.
- When using an Auto Reply message for times you are out of the office, consider using the "Create a Rule" function that would limit sending your autoreply message to the whole list.
If you consider these guidelines unacceptable, you are requested to unsubscribe from the list.
In order to preserve a climate that encourages fruitful dialogue, the UNCAC Coalition Coordination Committee reserves the right to suspend or terminate Listserv participation for anyone who violates these terms.
- Download the UNCAC Coalition Listserv Guidelines and Etiquette as PDF - in English
- Bajar Directrices y etiqueta para la Listserv de la UNCAC - Febrero del 2020 - en Español
Version: 28 February 2020