Country: Secretariat, registered in Singapore
Focal Point: Marya Malek, Programme Manager
Tel: +65 68139639
Mission and vision
Our Vision is a responsible business community that makes ASEAN a better place to live for all, our Mission is to promote and enable responsible business conduct in ASEAN to achieve sustainable, equitable and inclusive social, environmental and economic development.
General description of the CSO work in governance and anti-corruption area
With the support of the UK FCO, and in partnership with the UNDP, UNODC, UNGC and national-level partners, we provide a regular platform for regional knowledge-sharing, peer learning and partnership building. We established a Regional Working Group on Business Integrity in ASEAN to introduce and promote collective action initiatives on anti-corruption in ASEAN. We also launched an “Integrity Has No Borders” campaign and regional integrity pledge to create an enabling environment and solidify commitment towards anti-corruption. Our target beneficiaries are businesses, and we reach out to them through our network members and various national and regional forums and workshops.
Specific description of the CSO work in connection with the UNCAC
Yes, through the Regional Working Group on Business Integrity and Integrity Has No Borders campaign, we conduct joint advocacy activities in relation to anti-corruption. UNCAC and UK Bribery Act are some of the international standards for anti-corruption that we promote and comply with. In line with the UNCAC, we engage with private sector to assist them in their fight against corruption. As an ASEAN accredited entity, we also act as a bridge in the public-private sector discussion in anti-corruption.