Transparência Internacional Brasil (TI Brasil)

País: Brasil
Página web:
Redes sociales: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Director: Bruno BRANDÃO, Executive-Director
Correo electrónico:
Teléfono: +55 11 4130-9709
Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Portugués

Trabajo de la OSC en el ámbito de la lucha contra la corrupción

Como capítulo de Transparency International en Brasil, TI Brasil se estableció en 2016 y se ha posicionado como una organización líder en la lucha contra la corrupción en América Latina. El portafolio temático de TI Brasil incluye iniciativas sobre gobernabilidad local, negocios y medio ambiente.

TI Brasil lleva a cabo una investigación exhaustiva y permanente para identificar problemas (y oportunidades de mejora) en el marco de la lucha contra la corrupción en el país, tanto en el sector privado como en el público. Por lo tanto, está monitoreando constantemente la implementación de la CNUCC. Asimismo, TI Brasil se basa en coaliciones -que incluyen a políticos, funcionarios públicos, la sociedad civil, el mundo académico y las empresas- para prevenir reveses y, sobre todo, para avanzar en la búsqueda de soluciones a estos problemas.

Trabajo de la OSC en relación con la CNUCC

Since 2016, TI Brazil has published reports on issues concerning different aspects of the UNCAC: money laundering in the real sector of São Paulo; the 100 biggest companies in the country and their commitment to transparency and anti-corruption; and Brazil’s business integrity agenda. It has also led the development of the ‘New Measures against Corruption’ – a package comprised of 70 anti-corruption proposals, considered the world’s largest anti-corruption legislative package.

Among the issues highlighted by the last UNCAC review of Brazil – inadequate legislation on private corruption, illicit enrichment and asset recovery, for example –, many are addressed by the ‘New Measures against Corruption’. TI Brazil has been leading an advocacy campaign to build support for these measures – ‘United against Corruption’. This campaign has the backing of nearly half a million Brazilians and hundreds of CSOs and companies. It has also won the support of dozens of lawmakers in Congress, as well as, the baking of high-level officials within the Executive branch.

Transparency International is a global movement that contributes to the UNCAC review mechanism routinely. It has published a number of reports on issues such as civil society participation, whistleblower protection and private sector, all relating specifically to the UNCAC. Having participated in the negotiations that led to the signing of the UNCAC, TI also produces progress reports on the performance of the UNCAC review mechanism. It has also participated in the conferences of state-parties and presented recommendations on the need for a more open and inclusive review process.

TI Brazil has contributed to the UNCAC review mechanism in the past. For example, it took part in the Expert Group Meeting on Corruption involving Vast Quantities of Asset (Lima, Peru 2018).

While not directly related to the UNCAC review mechanism, TI Brazil has participated in similar exercises – it took part in 5th round of review performed by OAS’s MESICIC during its country visit, discussing the issue of procurements, government hiring and whistleblower protection.

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)