Country: Lesotho
Social media: Facebook
Head of the organisation: Ms. Mantopi Martina de Porres Lebofa, Director
Tel: +266 6200 0063
Languages: English
General description of your work in the prevention of and the fight against corruption
Technologies for Economic Development (TED) works for environmental protection and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).TED monitors laws and policies related to environment, particularly the Environment Law and Policy, the Water and Sanitation Law and Policy. TED’s work therefore includes advocacy, civic education and awareness raising on policies, laws and conventions signed by Lesotho.
TED understands civil education as a preventive measure to corruption because when the public is knowledgeable on policies and laws, they will know when corruption happens and how to combat it.
As a Not-for Profit, Non-Governmental organization, TED is committed to ensuring that services provided by government reach the citizens and that Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are achieved aligned to national policies and strategies. With an understanding that it requires knowledge of public policies by citizens to know when services are properly delivered, TED prevents corruption by providing knowledge on Public Policies to the citizens by organizing forums and dialogues between communities and government ministries for communities to know what services different ministries are providing so that communities can demand services and know when they are not sufficiently served. In this way the public will be able to detect when corruption is happening and will be able to prevent and combat it.
Describe your organisation’s work linked with the UN Convention against Corruption
TED’s work on advocacy, civic education and awareness raising on policies, laws and Conventions relates very much to the UN Convention Against Corruption. As such, TED already directly implements: ARTICLE 1, promoting the Statement of Purpose of the UNCAC to prevent and combat corruption. ARTICLE 10 Providing Knowledge for Public to combat corruption by reporting and ARTICLE 13 of the Convention by ensuring Transparency and that the public has access to information
TED is therefore very much willing to join the UNCAC review Mechanism.