The UNCAC Coalition’s network consists of: Member Organisations; Individual Members and Affiliated Groups and Organisations.
Members, which can be both organisations and individuals, have completed the application process. Whereas ordinary members are involved in the activities of the Coalition and have the roles and responsibilities described in Section 7 of the Charter, extraordinary members support the Coalition, as described in Section 4 of the Charter, but do not have a vote.
Affiliated civil society groups and organisations are in the Coalition’s wider network — including those that are part of the regional anti-corruption platforms operated by the Coalition:
- Africa Anti-Corruption Platform
- Europe Anti-Corruption Platform
- Southeast Asia Anti-Corruption Platform
- Latin America Anti-Corruption Platform
In the past years, the Coalition has evolved from a loose and informal network to a membership-based organisation. While the organisations listed as affiliated groups remain in the Coalition’s network, they have not gone through the same rigorous registration process and are not subject to the same regular reporting requirements as the members. They do not have the rights and responsibilities members have in line with the Coalition’s Charter.