The UNCAC Coalition’s Asset Recovery working group seeks to facilitate discussions, exchange information and joint advocacy among civil society experts.
Working Group Co-Chairs:
Sara Brimbeuf, Senior advocacy officer, Illicit Financial Flows at Transparency International France.
Jackson Oldfield, Director & Co-founder of the Civil Forum for Asset Recovery (CiFAR), Germany.
In case you are interested in joining the working group, please fill out this form.
If you have any questions please contact us at
The Working Group hosts a dedicated email discussion list as well as several coordination calls per year.
Next Working Group Meeting:
Tuesday 22 April 2025, 15.00-16.30 (Vienna time)
Selected past activities and outputs on asset recovery of the working group and its members:
- Advocacy Toolkit: Ensuring Effective Reparation to Victims of the Harm caused by Corruption, UNCAC Coalition Working Groups on Asset Recovery; Gender, Inclusion and Corruption; Grand Corruption and State Capture; and Victims of Corruption, November 2023.
- Open Letter (EN): A Call for Action at the 10th UNCAC Conference of States Parties in Atlanta in December 2023 to Ensure Effective Reparation to Victims of the Harm caused by Corruption, 31 October 2023.
- Open Letter (ES): Carta abierta a los Estados Parte de la CNUCC: Llamamiento a la acción en la 10ª Conferencia de Estados Parte de la CNUCC, que se celebrará en Atlanta en diciembre de 2023 Garantizar una reparación efectiva a las víctimas de los daños causados por la corrupción, 31 October 2023.
- Open Letter (FR): Lettre ouverte aux États parties à la CNUCC : Un appel à l’action lors de la 10e Conférence des États parties à la CNUCC à Atlanta en décembre 2023 pour garantir une réparation effective aux victimes des préjudices causés par la corruption, 31 October 2023.
- Written submission: Consequences of Corruption: The Right of Victims to Participation and Reparation in Corruption Cases Submission, UNCAC Coalition Working Groups on Victims of Corruption, on Asset Recovery, on Grand Corruption and State Capture, and on Gender Inclusion & Corruption, 17 October 2023.
- Transparency International France: Handbook for Asset Restitution: Good Practices and Recommendations for the Responsible Return of Stolen Assets (June 2022)
- CIFAR: Civil Society Organisations & Asset Recovery: A Manual for Action, July 2022
- CiFAR Research paper: Best Practices and Challenges in the Management of Recovered Assets, September 2022
- Submission: Advancing the recovery of stolen assets in a transparent and accountable manner by the UNCAC Coalition’s Asset Recovery Working Group to the Independent Expert on Foreign Debt and Human Rights, 31 August 2022
- Commentary: From Freeze to Seize: Dealing with Oligarch’s Assets in the UK, RUSI, 13 April 2022
- Blog: The UK’s new framework for transparent and accountable asset return – putting this global precedent into perspective and practice, Spotlight on Corruption, 21 January 2022
- Working Group submission to the 9th UNCAC CoSP (CoSP 9) on Advancing Asset Recovery, 7 December 2021
- What is the key to improving Asset Recovery? A summary of our IRG side event, 17 September 2021
- UNCAC Coalition Asset Recovery page
- Blog: Switzerland and Uzbekistan sign agreement on return of USD 131 million – Statement by Uzbek Civil Society Activists, 16 September 2020
- Submission: Transparency International and UNCAC Coalition Submission to the UNGASS against Corruption: Proposal for a Multilateral Agreement on Asset Recovery, 12 June 2020
- Blog: Working Group on Asset Recovery – Document Review, 3 May 2019
- Statement: Civil Society Statement for the UNCAC Working Group on Asset Recovery Session June 2018, 6 June 2018
- Statement: Civil Society Statement for the Global Forum on Asset Recovery, 4 December 2017
- Submission: UNCAC Coalition statement to the 7th Conference of States Parties in Vienna, 6-10 November 2017